Aqara FP2 released

Just got home an hour ago after remotely updating to the latest firmware earlier today.
It seems to be working well.
Unfortunately, I have seen quite a few ghosts in the last hour, however, the good news is that the ghosts seem to disappear after a while (ghosts disappeared even whilst I was present in the room of 3) - I can live with that.
I have also adjusted my function settings to medium as above; will see if this improves things more.


I got a third one that came with 1.1.5, so I've not updated it. I wanted to see if I noticed a behavior difference, so I mounted it next to my older one running 1.1.7. I'm seeing nearly the same behavior from the two. I don't think they are interfering with each other (but I don't know for sure).

I'm upgrading the 1.1.7 units to 1.1.9 right now.

You can see my C-7 (w/ antenna mod) right behind them.


Watching and waiting. Would be particularly interested to hear results from someone moving from 1.1.5 (where I am currently) to 1.1.9, or a comparison like @jlv is doing.

I'm still hesitant because it's working really well in every way except for disconnecting from WiFi, which occurs every week or so. A device reboot resolves it, and no other WiFi device on my network, (especially one just 10 feet from the main node) has that type of issue.

My 2 that are being used are on 1.1.7. I have one in a box that is likely on 1.1.5. If it is, I’ll let you know when I update which could be this weekend or next… not sure yet - too much on the go!

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I also have one on 1.1.5 and another on 1.1.7. Both are seeing ghosts. I could not have a more basic setup/environment. Apparently I’m not doing something right since other have no issues.

I've just seen the Update this morning. I was only thinking last night "I hope there's one soon" as I was looking in the app and it was if there was a party happening in my kitchen without anyone in there :joy::rofl: I think I counted 9 ghosts at one point, and it looked like they were having a blast.

I'm in two minds whether to press the "Update all" button, like I did for the previous one, a little naively, as I don't want it to be worse than it is now. I might just bite the bullet and try it on Monday when I'm on leave and will be around the house to monitor its behavior properly.

My setting are currently:

  • Person Detetion
  • High
  • Medium
  • Low

So I might leave them at that once I update and see how I get on, but may change them to the ones mentioned above if I seem to have any issues. Can always change them back if there's little to no difference

FP2 is $10 off on today.

Not sure about the US site.


In stock on Amazon UK for the first time since launch…

They have been in stock a couple of times. I was lucky enough to get one a couple months back. They’re on offer for Prime Day though.

I updated to the latest firmware yesterday, and although there’s some improvement, it’s still not as good as out the box I don’t think :thinking:

It's a 10% coupon you need to select on the US site for US$8.30 off of one unit.

20% of at Amazon UK.

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Bold Strategy Cotton GIF by MOODMAN

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Yep, it was a good move, I believe it's paid off!
It is much better than 1.1.7, although "ghosts" are still present. Good thing is that they don't stay present for too long and also I have not had any instances of sensor being "active" overnight like on 1.1.7 which was really bad.


Now showing 20% off in the US also. It was $74.69 yesterday (after 10% coupon) and $66.39 today.

Even at 100% off I don’t understand why anyone would buy these. I have three and regret all of them. They just don’t work. Any ghost is going to affect my automation. Guess it’s working for you guys tho.

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I also see it is on sale via the Amazon Prime day. Is there a Hubitat app yet or do we have to create a virtually device and have Alexa trigger it?

There is no direct integration with Hubitat yet.

I have mine paired to Home Assistant (running on a RaspPi 3B) using their HomeKit integration, and then the Home Assistant devices (entities) are brought back to my Hubitat via HADB. This all operates locally. It's been described several times in this thread.

(I originally set up the Home Assistant instance to get local control/access to my Ecobee thermostats in a similar fashion)


I saw that, but I'm not running Home Assistant. I also was hoping there might be a native Hubitat app by now.

I think they would need to have a published API for that to happen. Do you know if they do?