[APP] SmartStart Manager for Z-Wave (Long Range support)

If you have anything that is "pending" the hub sends out some messages every few minutes looking for any new SS devices to pair up. That is really the only harm in leaving anything in there. Also if you were to exclude the device, it would rejoin automatically (could be unexpected).

To "remove" them from SS, you can just uncheck it. That will actually delete it from the hub SS list and save a copy of the info in an app state variable (and also a backup json file in the File Manager).

So, you could uncheck everything once it has been included, if you dont want them to possibly rejoin if excluded. Or just leave them all in there, does not seem to hurt anything.

Cool. thank you! On the other issue, have you had a chance to test your theory? I have not heard back from Victor or Bobby...


I call this the "I spent way too much time making this look fancy" release.
Enjoy the beautiful buttons and icons I borrowed from the existing UI elements in the platform.

Version 0.5.0 (2024-06-10)

  • Added full backup and restore features
  • Added beautiful buttons with icons and updated styling
  • Fixed combined list parsing to reset enabled state
  • Updated logging to match style of my drivers

@jtp10181 - First of all, thanks a ton for this app - it's great. Would it be possible to add the ability to store a note with each SmartStart entry? The use case for me is that (in light of the current issue some of us are having with adding LR devices) I want to add a note indicating that the device supports LR mode even though it was booted/paired in mesh mode. That way whenever the LR issue is (hopefully) fixed I can easily identify which devices actually support LR mode and can re-pair them.

I could... but in that specific case wouldn't it be easy to just edit the SmartStart Name and add a (LR) to the end or something? It wont change the name of the device in hub once it is already paired.

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Well I feel dumb for not thinking of that. :laughing:

I'll go ahead and use your suggestion. A note field could still be useful for some other case where you wanted to persistently store something more detailed about a device.


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@jtp10181 Hey Jeff,

Do you know if (older) 500 series devices have DSK's that can then be used with smarstart? I'm thinking about rebuilding my z-wave network and looking for the easiest way to do inclusions after the radio reset using your app to control the process. It would be for my older GE/Plus devices that never shipped with a QR code or the ones that are lost or not visible anymore. I believe all of the Enbrighten line came with DSK's on the device, but the older GE/Jasco Z-Wave Plus devices didn't.

I found a way using PC Explorer to extract the DSK during inclusion, so although a bit tedious, I was thinking about doing it and compiling a list of all my device DSK's. Obviously I have some that I can scan in, so I won't need to do all of them...

Any thoughts on this?

No 500 series I do not think would ever have come with a QR code.

Also, if you are just extracting the 5 digit DSK you need more than that to manually add to SS, you need the entire code, looks like 40 digits total. I think you can get the whole thing from PC Controller. I helped someone else get the 5 digits for a lock in the past since they could not pair it without the code.

You can get the entire code from PC Controller during unsecured pairing, but you have to do a little hex to dec conversion of stuff in the logs... I did it with w 700 series ZEN05. The Enbrighten line when it first came out were all 500 series, but at least some of them offered S2 security I'm pretty sure... I know they are now selling 700 series stuff... I don't believe I have any of their 700 stuff as I'm moving to Zooz and other manufacturers and haven't bought GE in a while... I'm gonna remove a few wall plates and get some of the codes... I just didn't know if the older devices would do it... I might have to switch out an older device and play with it in PC Controller to see if it can... :slight_smile:

Of course I might or might not be able to get a DSK... That doesn't mean it can use SmartStart though correct?

Found this: https://www.silabs.com/documents/public/white-papers/introduction_to_z-wave_smartstart_091317.pdf

On Page 9 it says you just need a device that can do S2 Auth security. Some of the first Zooz devices that did S2 were only "Unauthenticated" which would lack the DSK. So I think if it supports S2 and has a DSK it will probably work. There is mention that devices can be "OTA" updated to support SmartStart if already supporting S2 Auth so it sounds like it might be possible a device has S2 Auth and DSK but not SmartStart? Probably no way to know for sure without trying it.

I've replicated this. Last post... I'm gonna pull an older switch that I think is about to fail and replace it... Then mess with it in PC Controller.

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I'm trying to add my first LR device but I'm having no luck getting the "Save to SmartStart" button to not be grayed out.

I used the camera to read the Zooz ZSE41 contact sensor's QR code, added a name and location, granted S2 Unauthenticated and S2 Authentication, and LR boot mode.

I also tried adding the "-" every 5 digits with no luck. What am I doing wrong?

The QR code has a lot more info than just the DSK in it.
You are supposed to either scan the QR code using the mobile app, or hand key the DSK from the device / manual. Some devices will have the full code listed but some only list the first 5.

If you do want to try and extract it from the QR code, it has to be typed in exactly as shown.

The example will be red if you have it wrong, black once it is correct. It is 8 sets of 5 digits.


You also have to click off the entry box for the app to recognize what you typed in and unlock the button.


That works. Thanks.

A post was split to a new topic: Long Range devices disappeared from details page

If I did not originally use SmartStart to add my devices, can I now scan in the QR codes so I can have all of that data stored in this app and exportable? Will they match up with the already included devices? Would this cause any issues?

Yes you can scan them in. They may match up if you included the devices with security. If they have no security I do not think the hub is able to match them up. Having anything "pending" in SS causes the hub to send out a single discovery frame every so often, but I don't think it causes a problem. To avoid that though, you can just disable anything that shows pending, the then data is stored only in the app and not actually in the hubs SS list.

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All ... I have bigger LR inclusion problems ... but let's start with my "simple" problem first ...

HPM says the SmartStart Manager app is installed. In the Hubitat local web interface, How do I access the SmartStart Manager ?/Where is it?

I am running a C8 on v and I just rebooted (for fun).

After adding the app code to your hub using HPM, you then need to install the app:


This process is true for apps added via HPM, or apps added by copying the app code directly into the Apps Code tab using the "+ New App" option:

But in any case, since you've added the app code via HPM, all you need to do is go to the Apps tab, select the image button, and choose the SmartStart app from the list to install it. Then it will appear in your list of installed apps.

Dang it! I should have known that!!! Thanks for the fast response ...

So ... the real problem that I am trying to solve is that I have tried to add two (and I have seven more) Zooz ZSE42 800LR_800 Series Water Leak XS Sensor Z-Wave Long Range. This was hours ago. I used the following method:

  1. Hubitat 2.0 mobile app: go to Devices > + (plus icon) > Add SmartStart Devices
  2. Select Smart Start
  3. This will take you to the smart start inclusion list. Devices will be displayed there that are in the process of inclusion through Smart Start.
  4. Select the QR symbol in the top right to open the camera for the DSK scan; scan the QR code printed on the back cover of the sensor.
  5. Power the device (important to do this AFTER QR scan)
  6. The device integration will begin. The window will appear asking you to name the device; click Save after naming
  7. Finishing inclusion may take a few minutes

So what I see is that the sensors are pending and not on the Z-Wave mesh:

Can anyone offer suggestions as to what I have done incorrectly ... and what I might do to get the sensors recognized?