[APP] SmartStart Manager for Z-Wave (Long Range support)

Yes as long as it was scanned in and never removed from the SS list. You can also get the info from the mobile app, it shows the full DSK. But using this app for now you could copy/paste it to a spreadsheet. Eventually I will be adding a json backup and csv (spreadsheet) export option.

The main thing in the QR code is the DSK, and also the default grants and boot mode are in there but you can always set those manually based on the device if you have the DSK.


Thanks to @csteele for finding creative ways to break the app. I have added in some validation checks to the edit/add screen to disable the save button until a correct DSK and name have been inputted.

Version 0.4.2 (2024-05-08)

  • Added validation checks to Edit/Add page

Looking solid with the changes since added to HPM. The validation check present handle scenarios I broke the other day, love the revisions.


Just tried this out w/my first smartstart LR device (Minoston outdoor plug). App looks really good...great job.

One thing I'm not sure about when I compare to your example is the boot mode...I left it at the defaults in the Android mobile app - is that correct, or should it be changed? It does say it's in LR mode even though boot mode is S2, so leaves me a bit confused.


Also, any common strategies for using the SmartStart name vs. Device name? For now I'm leaving them the same...

Your device must have paired before you edited the entry in the Android app (I explained in your other post). When you scanned the code it would have been in LR boot mode but since the Android app does not have that yet when you edited, it set it to S2 which would not work at all. Long story short, you want it on LR boot mode but it only comes into play if you were exclude the device and it paired to the hub again. Once it is paired the boot mode set for SS does not matter anymore.

The left side of the SmartStart info and the right side is the actual info of the device once it is paired.

I'm using the same name in both places too. I don't think that SS name has any real significance/importance outside of the SS list (in the app), but it would be nice to confirm that eventually.

Early in the Beta, the SS name in the app was limited to a pretty short name length, but that changed at some point -- I haven't had to truncate any names lately.

Correct, once the device is paired the name does not do anything besides let you know what device the entry is for.

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So seems like there's no reason not to use your app set it to LR Boot Mode now, since that is the desired/expected mode for the device for any future exclude interactions. I'm sure there will be, as I'll be re-testing the exclude/include process on future iterations of the Android mobile app. Am I understanding that correctly?

Yes you can use this app to set it to the desired boot mode for any future endeavors. I would avoid any editing from the mobile apps at this time, they both have issues with the boot mode. Use the mobile app for scanning QR code, then use this app to edit/confirm settings are correct before you power up the device.


Great, thanks for confirming, and thanks again for your app. It really makes the whole SmartStart experience so much better. Kudos!


Had a Minoston LR plug on one of my C8s.

  1. Deleted SmartStart entry in 2.0 Android mobile app
  2. Started Exclude on the hub
  3. Started exclude mode on the plug (three quick taps on button)
  4. Hub reported the plug was excluded

Device was removed from my device page, but I've ended up w/a ghost on the Z-Wave Details page. Ran a second and third exclude and excluded unknown devices, but ghost entry persists...

I then noticed that the SmartStart entry for the plug was still in the HE SmartStart app...I misunderstood that deleting the SmartStart entry in the mobile app would also remove the info from the SmartStart app.

I disabled the entry in the HE app but that hasn't helped w/the ghost.

2024-05-29 16_12_25-C8, C7, & Misc Hubs

Refresh is not bringing up a Remove option, neither is Discover.

So should I just reset the Z-Wave radio on the hub? Nothing else Z-Wave on the hub so no big deal...

And I assume it would have worked if I had remembered to delete the SmartStart info on both the mobile app and in the SmartStart app?

And a shut down/pull power/restart saved the day, device is gone from Z-Wave Details. Happy ending...

They both pull from the same endpoint list so a delete will delete it from the hub and anything else that looks at that list.

The list on my app is only refreshed when you go to the main page of the app or make changes, to avoid pinging the endpoint every single time you reload the list page or switch back and forth from edit to list view.

That would have been my first suggestion. Must have been some sort of caching issue, it was removed but the hub did not realize it.

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Have you checked the Z-Wave Details prior to running the exclusion. The ghost could be the prior failed inclusion that you showed in the mobile app.

Yes, I had been using the device on my C8 test hub for a few days and seen it on the Z-Wave Details page looking entirely normal, and no dupes or ghosts from any failed joins. The Zooz plug was the only device on the Z-Wave details page of my C8 test hub so it was easy to confirm things were normal before I started the exlude. :slight_smile:

Hopefully not a common occurrence...while "harmless" it can confuse and make the process less pleasant.

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4 posts were split to a new topic: Long Range pairing issue ghost nodes

Sneak Peek, I cannot wait to finish this update because it looks so damn nice.



Hey Jeff,

Is there any issue with keeping devices in SmartStart after they have been added? Should we be removing them or is it ok to keep them there? The reason I ask, is upon reboot or cold start, I see some issues in you app list... It could be related to my other problem with the devices not showing in z-wave details, but it almost seems like they are trying to pair again...

Previously (I've posted the pics) this all showed included before. The only thing missing was the security setting on 5 of them, and of course those 5 were missing from devices details... However upon the recent reboot, I see two devices in your app that show pending. One of them is a missing device from z-wave settings, but the other device is in the z-wave settings...

Both of these "failed" devices are not controllable... I'll give it a bit and check back later to see if anything has changed. But its all weird...

So I toggled the switches, opened the gate and waited a minute... They are all back now...

But of course, still the 5 are missing from z-wave details...

So i'm wondering if I need to remove them from SmartStart... If and before I do that, how do I back the app settings up?

It is a beaut... And I think is going to be a required tool for LR full enjoyment.