Long Range devices disappeared from details page

I am encountering this same error. Every device I have previously joined using SmartStart has disappeared from the Z-Wave Details page, and is missing the security and mode information in the SmartStart Manager. The missing devices all respond to commands and send events. I am using a C8 hub powered with the included adapter.

Any idea what might have cause this or how to fix it?

I split your post into a new topic, as it does not really have to do with my app itself.

Looks like you have paired all those devices in Long Range mode.

What you have going on is a known issue as this point. No idea of the cause and there is no known fix. The LR devices really do not have any useful into to show in the details page anyway so you are not missing anything really. Devices should keep working fine.

As a side note, kudos on the multitude of Z-Wave LR devices!

Are they working reliably?
Have you done a chart lately?

@jtp10181, thank you for splitting the thread; it is indeed a separate issue. I also want to express my appreciation for creating the application that has given me additional information about this problem.

Regarding the issue, my devices respond to almost all commands and send events, but they are not 100% reliable. Additionally, I'm unable to perform other Z-Wave administration tasks, such as firmware upgrades. I have 45 more Z-Wave LR switches to add, and I'm hesitant to proceed if the new devices will be similarly impaired.

@velvetfoot, kudos on noticing my Z-Wave LR devices! Due to the above issue, I'm unsure if they are working reliably or not :sweat_smile:. When I could see the details, they all had excellent PER, RTT (1ms), and LWR RSSI. The devices do not show up on the graph, which I think is expected because they are directly connected.

It seems that this is an issue others have experienced as well: Working Z-Wave devices missing from Z-Wave details page.

If anyone has further insights or solutions, your help would be greatly appreciated!

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This is not related to the devices missing from the z-wave details. This is due to a longstanding bug in the firmware updater app which prevents it from working on any device paired with S2 security.

The older driver version has a different issue preventing it from working on LR devices. The code is open source on that and I do have a work around for that issue, but I have not made it public yet.


I have found that Z-Wave LR is not ready for prime time. I don't know if that is due to the Hubitat implementation or the way the LR was integrated in to the Z-Wave radio. In any case, I have 4 LR devices and I ended up joining them as regular Z-Wave devices and they work fine. When they were joined as LR in some cases disappeared from the Z-Wave page after reboot, acting flakey in general, all kinds of errors in the log when processing Z-Wave commands, etc. I probably spent 24 hours tinkering with the Z-Wave LR.

Just curious....what devices are these that you had problems with?

I recently upgraded to a C-8 Pro and love it. No more "Hub Load is Severe" messages. I spend way too much time tinkering with HA. That could be because I have over 250 devices of various types so something needs attention on a regular basis. I have a ZEN72LR Paddle Dimmer Switch on order as well for a specific application but USPS has sent in in circular routes around the country for the last 10 days but that is another story. In any case, I must have included as an LR device the ZEN15 a couple of dozen times over a 2 day period. Sometimes it would not include at all. I would reboot the hub and then it would join in LR. it would appear to work and then I noticed it was non-responsive etc. Then a few times after I successfully added LR and then rebooted the LR device disappeared from the Z-Wave page. This has happen several times. Also I found when included as an LR device, the error log was filled with hundreds of Z-Wave device update failures. I love the ZEN15s. I have several of the first version and 3 of the LR capable versions. I have installed them as regular Z-Wave devices and they work fine. Other than the LR issue, I am happy with the Zooz devices. I realize 1 model of device failing is not a reliable test of LR in general. However, It seems the LR and Hubitat is currently a "hacked" solution. I will try a different brand of LR device but my suspicion is the problem is with Hubitat's implementation of LR.

Understood...thank you for the additional information...I do not have any experience with the Zen15, so I can not offer a suggestion.

I also meant to mention that LR devices in Hubitat are not OTA updatable.

Not totally true and also not specific to LR, it is an issue with anything paired with S2.

I updated a LR device with a modified driver as a test.

I just purchased my first LR device - Zooz LEN04 LR 800. It sounds like I should wait a while before jumping into the LR game. Can I pair this device as an LR without security? I have tried, but it seems to default to S2.

LR requires S2 security.


I just setup a zen04 800lr this afternoon (after flashing the updated firmware elsewhere). Node #317 for me. lol so I guess I must have 50+ LR devices, haven't really counted.

Seems to work about as I expected.

The Zooz LEN04 is not listed as a choice in Device Firmware Updater?

AKA I didn't use Hubitat to flash it (I almost always use home assistant / zwave js for firmware updates). Sorry that wasn't more clear.

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There is not currently an available path to update LR devices, but I expect that will change sooner than later.

The native Device Firmware Updater cannot handle S2 devices (or LR obviously), but there's a workaround avilable today for updating S2 devices.

Once released, the LR-update tool should cover everything (plain, S2, LR), so that will be a win.

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My Z-Wave mesh is giving serious problems after migrating from a C8 to a C8 Pro. I think my general Z-Wave problems may extend to my work on Z-Wave LR devices. So I retract my above comments concerning my problems with LR. I will post again when I have worked out my Z-Wave issues and re-evaluated the LR process.