Working Z-Wave Devices Missing from Z-Wave Details Page

The z-wave network was getting laggy, and some of the devices I checked were sending numerous event reports for the same event etc. There are ~95 total z-wave devices on the network. So I started checking for bad z-wave devices, and ended up doing a full z-wave repair.

I noticed that the z-wave Details page is completely missing a few of the z-wave devices that show on the device listing page. Those devices missing from the z-wave details page are working on the Hub, and do respond to commands from the device detail page, and report events etc. but I'm wondering if they are causing some problems in the z-wave mesh in general.

Here is the z-wave details page with a highlight of the missing device with id 0x31 (49):

But here is a snip of the device detail page showing that the device does exist with id 31:

What's also strange is that the Advanced Device Details section of the device page does show data about the device, but it is missing the zwNodeInfo variable :

This is a snippet from another identical device that is also working and reports the zwNodeInfo variable in the device details page, but this device actually shows up in the z-wave details page:

So I'm guessing these devices aren't showing in the z-wave Details page because they are missing the zwNodeInfo variable, but it is strange that they work accross the actual z-wave network. The problem is that they can't be repaired etc, since they don't show up in the z-wave details page...

Anyone have any idea how to get these devices back to being fully recognized in the z-wave network?

Tagging @bcopeland


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