A few months ago I installed an apartment with approximately 40 Zooz brand pieces using HE C8. Used Zen72 Zen30 and Zen32. Commissioning was flawless.
Unfortunately, from the beginning of the installation I could notice that some of the Zen72 devices were freezing. It could not be turned on or controlled physically, either using Dashboard or directly in the devices section in HE.
The only way to reactivate them is by turning off the breaker that energizes them. When the breaker was turned back on, the frozen Zen72 devices returned to normal to the point that if they were part of a scene, when the breaker was restarted they were incorporated into the selected scene.
There is a high possibility of variations in voltage that may be affecting these devices. A voltage meter was temporarily installed to look for possible voltage spikes. What I'm not clear about is why it doesn't affect the Zen 30 or Zen32. Manufacturer suggests upgrading the firmware. Currently the Zen72 have Firmware version 3.1 and the manufacturer suggests updating to 3.3
Has anyone experienced something similar? The Zen 72 freezes at least 1 to 2 times a day so it is really uncomfortable to operate them. Thank you
I've only had one Zooz with strange results, it would turn on sometime during the night. I think a software update solved (could have been just factory reset and rejoin).
If you think outside interference is a possible cause;
Are all the problem devices on the same circuit (or general location)?
Are there other devices near by that don't have issues?
I would take one of the problem devices, unpair, factory reset, repair. See if the same issue persists.
If there are ZEN72's that reliably do not have an issue, I would swap one of them with one that has the issue.
Are they included with S2 security or not? What driver is being used with them?
I had this experience with the ZEN27 in the past, and at some point it was totally resolved. I am not sure if it was a firmware update from Zooz, the Zwave chip on the hub, or just from having a better mesh. Currently I cannot remember the last time I had to power reset one of my Zooz switches due to a lock up like this.
HI. Non are included with S2 Security, The driver is either Zooz Zen72 Dimmer or Advance or Zooz ZEN Dimmer Advanced. C8 Platform version,
I managed to upgrade Firmware using Device Firmware updater on one unit for testing. Zooz Support is suggesting that I exclude and include, reset the devices which means that all apps where that device was part of will need to be reprogramed? There is about 20 Zen72's so practically I would have to start from scratch. Any advice
Hi there. ,thank you for your help. Zooz Tech Dept is suggesting I upgrade firmware. That means I will have to start mostly from scratch since I need to exclude, factory reset and include. What I have noticed is that the problem radicate (it is my impression) on the Zen72. The project is for a customer so can't tell with certainty. What I have noticed is that the devices that freeze are mostly Zen72 (70% of all devices installed ) On the Living Room and Entry there is a set of 2 Zen72 next to 1 Zen32 (same configuration on both places). Zen72 freeze and Zen32 does work well. When triggering scenes or actions from Zen32 buttons everything works except frozen dimmers and when I reset the breaker dimmers restart and become part of the previously selected scene activated on Zen32. When communitating Zooz Tech Support they requested information on all Firmware versions. Their reply was suggesting to update just Zen72 and leave the others as they are.
I decided to include on my mesh one Zen72 for testing. I was able to upgrade Firmware, made some changes on setting save them and then after pressing configure the new Firmware version showed on Device details. Thank you this way will save me a lot of time
Hi there.. All Zen72 are single pole no 3 way, any 3 way is doing by rules. Load types are mostly GU10 MR16 (70 Watts max) or Triarc LED Drivers. Regarding your last I am not 100% if some don't freeze I did paid attention to that since I think the problem was on possible voltage peaks that. I installed an energy meter and I am waiting for the results. If devices freeze while on the project I will check if at least one keeps working or all freeze
I have had this behaviour on zen21, zen71, zen26, zen76, and zen27.
The zen21 and zen71 were my fault - I am using them on bathroom exhaust fans. A snubber cct on the output fixes it.
The others, a load resistor (or a bypass) fixes it.
Possible not the only way to fix it but switches are sensitive to noise from the load. Also when they are off, there are considerable peaks on the output. Only an oscilloscope will show you what you are dealing with.
My default for new installations is a 24k load resistor in parallel with the output.
BTW Sorry you are having so much trouble with your project. I hope your customer is understanding.
@steve.maddigan 's issue seems to be a different issue, related to powering low power requirement devices. He didn't say if the switch was freezing or just not controlling the lights properly.
I have a ZEN27 controlling my front light. With a single bulb drawing 7 Watt (50 ma) its been working for years.
From my experience (with electronics, not just HA) freezing or similar reactions are due to voltage spikes. Very short and very high. These are not likely to be sensed by a consumer energy meter, the ones the power company uses will sense these.
Not sure where you are physically located so this may not apply, however could static discharge be a consideration? I'm in New England and it still not dry enough to be an issue here but I figured I would throw it out there.
First the paddle operation freezes, usually right after the paddle is pressed to turn the light on. Sometimes the switch still accepts zwave commands afterwards, but if it does, not for long, and then all operations stop.
Just stared to upgrade firmware on 6 devices (all in one area). Will see how they behave. There are a few Zen72 with very low loads (14 Watts, 21 Watts). Those freeze about 2 - 3 times a day. This might be also something that I will have to test. Thank you for your feedback.
Today I went to the property and installed a surge suppressor for a few days. On Nov 11 I updated firmware of 8 zen72 and it looks like the situation improved. I hope that by installing the surge suppressor the problem disappears.