Zooz Zen32 Scene Controller

I can't speak for them but can say that that is what I would like. :slight_smile: It makes the LEDs more practical to use as status indicators without getting distracting any time they're changed. (I don't mind if they still flash to confirm the changing of parameters not related to this usage, I suppose.)

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I don't really know what the other LED notifications are. It's only the one on advanced settings change that is really distracting.

I wrote up a huge request for this before and it looks like we have a couple emails back and forth on June 3rd but then the trail went cold and I did not hear anything back.

See this post above: Zooz Zen32 Scene Controller - #111 by jtp10181


It looks like your request for an Indicator Command Class was implemented. What does this mean for us trying to control the LEDs in a clean manner? @bertabcd1234 Did you update your driver to account for this?

@jtp10181 submitted a patch a while back that I think might do that, but I haven't been able to update the firmware on mine yet to test for sure (the C-7 updater isn't working for me, so I'm going to try the USB stick route, but that will take more effort/time). I'd like to test this before committing the changes myself, but you can try it it from the link above in the meantime if you want.

Also, when I asked Zooz for documentation on what this added, they just referred me to the regular "advanced" parameter manual, which doesn't explain anything about how they're using the Indicator command class -- but I think this might be more standardized than I know (I've only seen v1 in real use before and I don't think it can handle things like this on its own; guessing newer versions can).

EDIT: I had my version numbers wrong, forgot to refresh it in the driver!
The newest firmware version they just sent me is 10.11.

I just programmed the indicator stuff in that patch right off the zwave spec docs and it all worked as expected. With the newest version (10.11) they fixed a bug where the color would always change to white but now it honors your already set color. They sent it to me to test before they posted it. You cannot set the color using the indicator class (it is not part of zwave specs anywhere). So the color has to be set via a parameter, but you can make it do all sorts of different flashes using the indicator commands (or solid on/off without setting a parameter).

My patched driver:

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Yeah, guessing they meant 10.1 or 10.01 (same thing) and fell into the trap where they wrote 10.10 (different) instead. :slight_smile: Suppose I might as well ask for the new firmware to try...

And good to know on the Indicator command class. Thanks!

Nice work!. Trying it out. The device is offsite so it makes it a bit difficult. I should be onsite tomorrow to verify further. Did notice that the preference numbering doesn't match the documented perimeter numbering-probably not a big deal since they are well descripted

@rdstov, @pkdaly and anyone else interested following this post. Zooz has added a setting to disable the LED from flashing when you change its parameters. You can change the LED color without the flashing. I posted more details on this community driver thread, which also implements the indicator class functions.


I hope this is the right place to post this question.

I love this switch! I've set up buttons to do different things and all of these work great when I physically push the button:

  • Button #2 = Party time: turn on/off certain lights, unlock the door, announce that we have company, play my spotify playlist (using Echo Speaks). I set the LED to Green/always on - green means go-time.
  • Button #3 = Sleepy time: turn off all the lights, turn on the bed lamp. (red)
  • Button #4 = Relax time: turn off certain lights, dim some, turn off fan, tell me I'm pretty. (blue)

But in addition to pressing the button, I want to show off to my friends how cool I am by saying "computer, it's party time". I added the ZEN32 to the Amazon Echo Skill, and it shows in the Alexa app - but as just ONE button (the relay I assume). Does anyone know how to get Alexa to see more than 1 button? I don't want the workaround with virtual contact sensors - that was so much work and so confusing.

The Alexa skill does not support button devices (so the device you added is just the switch, which is controlled by the large button). What you'll need to do is create devices of a supported type, like a virtual switch, then add those devices to Alexa. You will also need to add those switches as "triggers" to whatever apps, rules, etc. you're using with the ZEN32 so that the switch turning on, for example, does the same thing as pressing the button. (You may also wish to use the "auto off" feature on the virtual switch so they're effectively momentary and always ready to be turned on again, but this depends on your exact wishes for how the switches work.)

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Okay thank you! I'll try that out once I get some more free time. Thanks for the quick response!

OK so not sure what I buggered up but none of my Zen32's are sending button presses, but I can command the switch / LEDs from Hubitat just fine.

Not sure what may have changed while setting these up on the C7 as I set all the preferences to what they were on the C5 a few days ago and it was working just fine reporting button presses

Thanks in advance for the help

Which driver are you using? What do you see in the logs if you enable debugging?

There is a new setting in firmware 10.30 I think to turn off the button events for the large button (5) only. As far as I know the other buttons always send the events and there is no way to turn them off.

Running the latest 10.30 from Zooz.
Nothing shows in the logs during presses as if its not sending any coms back to the hub. And no errors to be seem. Moved the hub to the same room for testing to ensure it wasn't a communication distance issue. No luck so far.

Might try starting over and resetting them both.

Well excluded and reincluded the switches that were acting up, and now they seem to reporting just fine. So not sure what that was all about but I guess the ol "turn it off, turn it back on" of sorts troubleshooting worked

I really need the correct syntax for the setLED command. Can anyone give me some help.

Is this what you're looking for?


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I use Robert's excellent community driver for my Zen32 (driver info at top of the thread this upcoming linked post is in). I followed his instructions here to create a RM rule that manages all my Z32's leds. Works like a champ, and it really enhances the usefulness of the Z32 a ton -- it's a big win.