Zooz RGBW controller driver issue (with simple fix)

Hi All:

I'm posting this because I couldn't find this fix on the community, and I am hoping that this will save someone a lot of time if they are having a similar issue to me.

Basically, I am using a Zooz RGBW dimmer controller to control a number of low-power indicator lights that rule machine issues visual "warnings" to for water leaks, etc. using rules I put together. However, for the life of me, the Zooz RGBW unit would behave really erratically in responding to commands. I was using the native Hubitat Zooz driver.

I then switched to the Fibaro custom driver by @ericm and it works fine.

Anyhoo, I hope this helps someone - I was really struggling to get this fixed.


I was using [EARLY RELEASE] Zooz Zen31 LED Controller but I'll give this one a look and see if I might like it better. Thanks for the share

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