Zooz power strip flooding zwave logs

Zooz originally launched a limited release of the Zooz Power Strip VER 2.0 and it had firmware 1.0 and everything since has had firmware 2.0.

It looks like they changed the parameter size of the Power Reporting Threshold from 2 to 4 in the 2.0 firmware and the built-in handler hasn't been modified to work with both versions.

If the firmware in the data section shows 2.0 then that setting is stuck on 5W which explains why you're unable to limit the number of reports being sent.

While waiting for the built-in driver to get updated you can use this driver to change that parameter to the same value you've been trying to set it to using the built-in driver's settings. Once that change is made you can switch the device back to the built-in driver.

parameter number: 2
size: 4
value range: 1-65535 W