Zooz Multisiren slow connection

I was investigating why my zooz multisiren is slow to respond to commands. I have it chime when a door opens. I looked at the z-wave settings and I noticed the speed of the connection to it is around 9.6K, all the other zwave devices are showing 50-100k. The zooz is only 10 feet from the hub. Any idea what might be the issue?

Perhaps this should be merged with my inquiry, also posted today, with basically the same issue.

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Ah, but I have not upgraded to 2.2.4 yet... Afraid to as my most important devices are z-wave. I have 3 Ecolink PIR's that must not fail.

I switched over my Ecolink contact sensors from using the generic contact sensor driver to using the Aeotec Door/Window Sensor 7 driver, just to see. The generic driver was generating multiple contact events even with the suppress duplicates option enabled. Using the Aeotec driver I'm getting much better performance- no duplicates, and the Siren is sounding much more quickly (although not always). I suspect the Siren driver still needs some modernization, and I'm positive the generic contact sensor driver is wrong for the Ecolink sensors. Unfortunately a real driver for these sensors isn't available...

I use the generic z-wave motion sensor with my Ecolinks, they work fine with that.

What driver do you use for the zooz siren?

I'm using the built-in ZSE19 driver... the only community driver I've found is for ST and hasn't been ported.

Just to clarify, you're using the generic motion sensor driver with door-mounted contact sensors?

No, sorry I am using that driver with my Ecolink PIR motion sensors. My door sensors are Sengled zigbee door and window contact sensors. All my zigbee stuff is solid. My Ecolinks are solid under 2.2.3

The zooz siren is the only slow thing and it I think it is on zooz, zooz's fault. Their device or the driver.

From the ST docs that explain quite a bit about z-wave, I found this text describing commands sent to battery powered devices (e.g. the Zooz multisiren):

  • Some battery powered devices like door locks and thermostats have to be able to receive commands at any time. These are known as beamable devices, because they wake up for only a tiny slice of time each second or quarter-second and listen for a “beam”. Thus, the sending device must “beam” the receiving device for a full second to wake it up fully before sending a command. This makes communication with these devices take a significantly longer time than with a normal listening device.*

Might be the problem is inherent to z-wave... I've been scouring the net trying to find a Zigbee analog to the Zooz ZSE19, but so far no luck. I don't want to resort to using my Echo devices to sound a door open notification, since that requires the cloud and I want a solution that will work regardless of the state of the Internet in my house. I'll keep looking... there has to be a way to do this reliably without the annoying delay.

Hmm, wonder if there is a way to cause that "beam"? The only way I can figure is to send multiple commands, maybe trigger a sound a couple times that makes little to no sound to wake it up them hit it with the chime sound?

I just got @tony.fleisher's z-wave inspection tool running, and noticed that the ZSE19 Multisiren has 4x more route changes than any other device in my mesh. @agnes.zooz, pls take a look and give me your thoughts.. the Multisiren has a large number of solid repeaters it could select, all within close range. Why is it changing routes so much? Could this be related to the poor performance (long lags, missed commands) I'm seeing? The screenshot I've posted shows statistics since the last hub reboot, which was 23 hours ago.


@eppower: Out of curiosity, what is the device reporting for battery level?

100% It's fairly new... I installed it in early October.

It's my understanding that routing and mesh communication is established by the hub and not by the connected device so I'm not sure how this could be addressed on the device side. A battery powered Z-Wave siren is a flir (frequently listening device) which may create different behavior than on other controllable devices that are always on but it's typically not a noticeable delay.

I'd recommend adding the siren from its target location so the correct neighbors are immediately established.

@bcopeland or @mike.maxwell can you provide an expert's statement on how frequently listening devices (e.g. the Zooz siren or a door lock) establish their routing tables? I will do as @agnes.zooz suggests and re-include the siren in its final location... I admit that the 1st time around it was included right next to the hub, since I had just finished loading custom chimes on it from my PC (which sits near the hub).

unfortunately we can't, this is managed entirely by the zwave chip firmware, we have no control over it.
The best advise here is to include in place, if that doesn't work, then you don't have sufficient router coverage.

OK thanks... I know it's not a coverage issue, since it's surrounded by repeaters in three dimensions, all in close proximity. Might be a case of too many route options, to be honest...

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I'm having the same issue using an Ecolink contact sensor and playing a custom loaded sound on the Zooz multi-siren. I want to have a custom sound play when our front door opens. The hub is right beside both and are directly connected to the hun (no other nodes in) in the zwave mesh. Sometimes it plays right away but sometimes not for a couple or even a few seconds. Whenever I test the Ecolink sensor seems very responsive but so does the Zooz siren when I just play the custom sound manually. But then when it's in a rule it seems randomly slow. I have other rules with another Ecolink sensor and are consistently fast. Does the siren maybe stop polling so frequently after a while? Happy to do any further tests to try and diagnose.

If you have time for the back and forth, the zooz support people are very familiar with HE and have been "working" with me on this. My performance improved a lot after the most recent update so I stopped messing with it. But yes, where I use the zooz siren with a door open rule it seems slow a lot of times. I probably need to get back with zooz support.

I'm on a C7 with 2.2.5, and with 10 repeaters within 500 sqft, my LZW-SN Red dimmers are connecting at 9.6kb. They are on latest Inovelli firmware, and work fine, but have seen them do 100kbps when included next to the hub. I think the hubs tiny patch antennas are a factor

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