I know others have mentioned that the inputs on the Zooz Multirelay only control the relays themselves but why would there be any need to disable the manual control for relay? Basically if the switched input cannot be seen why does it matter if the manual control for the relay is disabled. Does not make sense? Am I missing something? The most obvious reason to disable manual relay control would be to use it to read input status of something that has nothing to do with the relay. If the inputs really cannot be read than I will say its a real dumb design.
OK guys it appears the functionality is in the device, How do we get this setup in Hubitat? I know others need and want this functionality as well..
You may want to look at this.
Zen 17? Use the community based companion app to set things. You switch to this "driver". Make your changes, and switch back to the Zen 17 driver. More details in the link below...
The (Super) Basic Z-Wave Tool driver is available in the Hubitat Package Manager. It is very easy to use.
Change the Zen16 driver to the Basic Z-Wave Tool.
Issue the desired parameter changes.
Change back to the driver the Zen16 was using previously.
Great thank you for the ideas, I will give it a try, been so busy lately, haven’t had much time to do a lot of research, the searching I did didn’t come up with much, so I appreciate you guys sharing.
Trying to get Contact Input reporting to work on my Zooz Zen17 Relay. I'm able to change parameters 10 and 11 with both the "Zooz Relays Advanced" driver and the "Super Basic Z-Wave" driver but regardless the settings of those parameters, the behavior of the unit does not change. i.e. shorting S1-C or S2-C still activates the relay. My Zen17 reports software version 1.2, Protocol 7.13, Hardware V1
Has anyone been able to get this to work?
I'd recommend updating the firmware to latest (1.40) just for completeness, but try powering the Z17 off then back on -- that usually gets the unit to recognize the change in sensor type.
I'm now using a Z16v2 instead, but I was happily running a Z17 with wired contact sensors (decoupled from the relays) for several years.
Thanks. Power cycle did not help. Where do you find firmware updates for Zooz products?
Is the Z16 newer than the Z17?
If you contact Zooz, they can give you access to a page that has all of their latest firmware files and release notes on it.
The Zen16v2 was just recently released, and is overall similar to the Z17 (primarily just 3 of everything instead of 2) - both are 700-series ZW devices. The original Z16 (v1) did not allow decoupling the Rs from the Ss, and it was 500-series.
In addition to addressing params 10 & 11, did you also set params 2 & 3 to value "7"? I'm guessing so, but just want to double-check.
IIRC, Zooz recommends doing an exclusion and re-inclusion after messing with params 2 and 3, but I don't recall ever needing to go that nuclear -- I'm pretty sure I was always able to get the change to stick by just doing a power-cycle instead. But an exclude/re-include may be worth a shot?
Zooz firmware files:
I will also have a complete Zen17 driver coming soon, to replace my companion driver with a fully functional driver. Should be within the next couple of weeks.
Thanks! I had not set 2 & 3 to 7. Not sure I fully understand the choices available in these two parameters but after setting them to 7, I now see the contacts as child devices.
The Zooz firmware page offers a .gbl file for use with Hubitat. When I click on that gbl file from the Zooz page, my browser does not offer a download option but instead opens a page full of text that looks like gibberish. Am I supposed to copy/paste that text into notepad and save it as a gbl file? Then use that gbl in the Device Firmware Updater?
Is the Z17 paired with S2 security or no security? If no security, then the built-in Device Firmware updater app should work fine.
I've always just pulled the GBL file from the ZIP file option whenever I update my Zooz stuff - I don't know why Zooz posts those other versions, but perhaps they are useful for certain configurations.
Well, I have a C-5 Hubitat. Not sure if that hardware even supports S2 security. The Zooz site says I need the gbl file for C-5 and earlier hubs.
The zip file has the same gbl in it. They give the direct link to the GBL to use with the driver version of the firmware updater which requires an url link to the file.
My C-5 hub does not support the Device Firmware Updater App so I guess I need to use what Zooz calls the "Community OTA tool". Zooz links to a page with the headline: "[BETA] updated binary firmware updater" from Dec '21.
I assume I'm to cut and paste the code from this page into the Apps Code tool. Is this correct? (I received an error when I tried to save the pasted code into the Apps Code tool.)
Is this Beta code from Dec 2021 stable enough to use?
Thanks for the help.
It’s a driver not an app, and yes it is safe to use.
Here are instructions, it says for S2 but works for no security as well
Thanks. Now up to date.