zigbeeOff Location Event Not Working As Trigger

I tried using zigbeeOff as a trigger to reboot the hub. I then disabled zigbee radio for a little while, and nothing happened. Am I doing something wrong, or doesn't it work? Thanks.

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I asked the same question over hereā€¦


Following. I have the exact same issue. My Zigbee radio goes offline every few days ever since the new code for the C8 came out (even though I am on the C7)... this is starting to drive me nuts, and we can't fix it with a rule apparently...

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Not a bunch of responses.

I upgraded to and it working as expected now.

Where you been? It started working on :slight_smile: My Reboot on Zigbee Radio Offline Rule Just Worked!

A well earned vacation :partying_face:

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I've got this same issue, and trying to set up the same thing. Don't know how to test what exactly the "zigbeeOff" event does - is it looking for the radio to be TURNED off (manually flipping the switch and saving settings) or for a "crashed/offline" state?

Better still would be if ZigBee would stop going offline for no discernible reason every week or so.

You can use zigbeeOff as a trigger for notifying you.
You can simulate this by doing a zigbee radio reboot.
It'll report back on in 7 seconds or so, but you could still use the zigbeeOff as a trigger.
There have been problems with zigbee radio reboots and people want to know when it happens.
There is no zigbee radio crash location event like there is for Z-Wave.

Perfect, that's exactly what I built. Good to know that a simulated reboot is a viable test trigger. I would still prefer if the radio wouldn't crash for no reason :slight_smile:


It doesnā€™t crash for no reason. The typical reason is excess system load due to a misbehaving app/device.

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