I created a rule, see below, a pretty long time ago now, that was supposed to reboot the hub if zigbee radio was off, z-wave crashed, or high hub load. I created it when zigbee outages were more permanent, but It never worked, even with the multitude of zigbee radio mini outages.
Just a little while ago, I refreshed the child and parent page as I am wont to do, and boom...hub rebooted. See app log below.
I've sort of been living with the mini zigbee outages, not liking them of course. I'm not sure rebooting the hub is a good thing each time it happens. My process is to shutdown and do a power cycle when I feel the need. But, it's interesting that the rule using zigbeeOff seems to have worked. I may keep the rule on just to see if it works for the next mini zigbee outage.
Personally, I would not set this up. Zigbee going offline is not a normal behavior and rebooting the hub when it happens is just putting a band-aid on a broken bone. Identifying the root cause is the only way to solve the problem. The issue could be environmental (one or more bad devices bringing the hub to its knees) or a hardware malfunction. If you didn't file a case, yet, please head to the following page so we can have your hub details on file. Then you can send me a private message so we can get to the bottom of the problem.
@bobbyD - not to get too tin-foil-hattish here, but is it possible some of the initial C8s had some kind of bad zigbee hardware?
I'm not trying to read too much into your comment above to velvetfoot about considering a warranty case, but that coupled with Bruce's response in this post has me wondering if trying a new C8 is worth a shot (warranty or otherwise)...
I'm not having rampant zigbee problems, but I have a few devices that were rock-solid on my C7 (2 Third Reality blinds and 1 of 2 Yale lock modules) that have habitual droppers on my C8 since migration. Although I'm not smart enough to know how to drill down to any specific evidence, I do know my C8 zigbee network is definitely wobblier and more fragile than it was on my C7.
I'm pretty sure (hoping!) the staff is still working on zigbee firmware issues so I am willing to wait more, but if there are any suspected hardware issues with some of the C8s out there, that would be helpful to know -- if that band-aid needs to get ripped off, I'd just as soon do it sooner than later.
Long Zigbee outages aren't a problem for me anymore. The short ones (8 seconds) are though, and others are still experiencing the same. Do you still think I should go to the warranty/support page?
We are not aware of any hardware issues, most issues that we have identified, have been traced to initial software release. Adjustments and bug fixes seem to have resolved the majority of problems.
Having issues with some but not all devices are indicative of problems handling the firmware on specific devices. That is not indicative of a hardware issue. The C-8 firmware being different than previous models, has revealed that adjustments were required to make C-8 compatible to (some) older devices. In some cases, specific models had to be accommodated, in other cases a class of devices needed adjustments.
Yes, you can rest assured that we will continue to screen for new reports as well as monitor fixes that have been already released.
Yes, regardless of the downtime period, if Zigbee goes offline, there is potential risk for devices to stop working, especially in networks that are not as strong.
As much as some of us (including me) may get excited by the automation elements of detecting and responding to this situation, I can accept your more realistic assessment of the situation. That said... Would Hubitat entertain opening up mobiles (notification) devices to notify when this occurs, and potentially other hub-level incidents that could have a significant impact? E.g. within the Settings area?
I'm having Zigbee issues where I get frequent zigbeeOff events, but only for about 10 seconds and it recovers. When it does not recover, I need to reboot.
I wait for one minute then check two mains powered zigbee devices to see if they have an Inactive status. I'm doing it in Webcore, but you could also make a rule.