Z-Wave Unresponsive

I received a replacement hub and that worked perfectly. Must've just been a bad one.

my last zwave unresponsive was on 5-3 - not sure if an update fixed or what, we did have a power outage around that time, maybe just all the ac zwave devices being restarted helped, maybe a firmware update fixed, not sure, just know it was consistent every couple days and now none sense the 3rd of May

So this issue has started for me in the past 4 weeks. Roughly every 3-5 days my whole Z-wave network goes unresponsive. Only option is to shutdown, power down and then restart. I don’t have any ghost nodes and my whole network has been fairly stable for 1-2 years. Hoping someone has some ideas on how to resolve? On a C7 running

Guessing that you may have a device going bad, but only a guess. Are you seeing any devices with a lot of retransmits or higher activity than normal?

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Are you on the latest Z-Wave radio firmware? If there's a firmware update button that appears at the top of the zwave details page you have a pending update.

Another trick is to open the zwave log and let it sit there for an hour and check for unusually frequent activity as @thebearmay suggests. I found a couple of misbehaving devices that were sending out something every second. When I removed them it definitely reduced the number of "zwave busy" messages I got to something close to zero.

The only buttons I have on top of the Z-wave details page are: exclude, repair, Logs and topology.

I don’t see anything out of the ordinary in the logs either. I do have a couple of older Z-wave switches so I use “polling” and that is by far the biggest activity but that has been there since day 1 and only recently have I seen the issues.

I’ll keep an eye on the devices themselves too. I don’t see any obvious misbehaving devices (but I think the stats all reset when I shutdown the hub so will monitor over the next few days).


I had this occur today. All of my devices were missing under z-wave details and the hub said z-wave is unresponsive. Reboot didn't fix it but shutting it down and physically power cycling it did.

I was out of town for a couple of weeks so this was very unfortunate.

Do you have cloud backup service via Hub Protect, by any chance?



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See this post:


If you have a wifi plug feeding the hub, you can safely shut down the hub using the Settings page, and then power cycle the hub. Good if you're out of town, the hub is in a bad spot, or you don't want to get off the couch.

This occurred for me today. My Z-Wave was down. I was on 146 until 6/25 and didn’t have any up issues then. Could 152 be exasperating this? I have my cloud backup weekly (until today).

Mt charges are infrequent, so I changed local from daily to weekly and cloud from weekly to monthly.

Less likely, it has been happening before. The failure is sporadic at best, so is not consistent, which makes it harder to identify the root cause.

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How could cloud backups take down Zwave? I lost all Zwave; Version 152. Trying the shutdown and unplug now.

Cloud backup backs up the NVM of the zwave radio.

When it does that (if the zwave 800 NVM backup is like the zwave 700 NVM backup, and I think it is) the radio actually has to be stopped/restarted. If that doesn't go right for some reason, the radio could get into a weird state.


It's happened to me once, on an earlier version.

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shutdown and pull power for a few minutes resolved my issue.

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This happened again a an I’m 400 miles away from my hub. Is there anything I can do to fix?

You can shut the hub down remotely. Is there anyone on site to power-cycle the hub?

You can avoid this by decreasing the frequency of cloud backups, or disabling such backups when you are out of town.