Z-wave & oomi (aetoec) plug issues

OOMI plug experience.
Edit these are rebadged Aeotec's so expected them to work as
Aeotec* - Smart Switch 6 - ZW096 / ZW110 - Switch - Z-Wave Plus

Purchased two together, these are the only two z-wave devices on hub.

Unit A paired fine and shows up as an Aeotec Smart Switch 6
Unit A working correctly, turns off and on.

Unit B, hasn't paired correctly and is being unhelpful, tried to exclude it, have tried to reset it.

Ended up excluding the devices and factory resetting them - as something was still wrong

paired device B first this time
The unit paired fine and shows up as an Aeotec Smart Switch 6
unit working fine

Went to pair device A, sits at Initializing Z-Wave Device, got a device id but nothing further
this is what happened the first time around as well

tested the paired unit and it's not always responding to "off" again
so have rebooted hub

and same deal
tested the paired unit (B) and it's not always responding to "off" still
tried pairing second unit and it's sitting at initialise

factory reset device, excluded it from z-wave
rebooting hub

Issues started each time I try to pair second device.
don't think a z-wave repair is the correct option as only have one device visible

cold started hub
no difference after cold start, paired device not reliably responding to "off" or "on" commands
HE not reading status changes either.

don't think distance should be an issue as it paired
Any ideas please ?

Were you thinking these devices should work? I do not see these devices on the list of compatible devices published by Hubitat and you don't mention using any community drivers. It's possible these devices aren't compatible with Hubitat.

@Ryan780 - they are rebadged Aeotec's so expected them to work as
Aeotec* - Smart Switch 6 - ZW096 / ZW110 - Switch - Z-Wave Plus
I'll edit the original post to include that

Did you try the Aeotec Smart Switch 6 driver? That device has a driver of it's own. You should be able to find it fairly easily.

It auto selected the built in driver when it paired

If A was working, why did you remove it?

Rebooting your hub will not power cycle the z-wave radio. Try shutting down your hub, pulling the power cable for 30 seconds and then starting it back up and trying the exclusion and pairing again.

Just FYI. I have 7 OOMI plugs using the Aeotec Smart Switch 6 driver. They are rock solid on my system. Also, just checking - to reset you hold the front button for 20 seconds until the color cycles and to join you press the button once (not twice). On the Settings | Z-Wave Details page - top right corner - Secure Join should show Locks/Garage Doors.

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I forgot to mention that all OOMI devices are locked. Once you have them joined to Hubitat, change the driver to Basic Z-wave tool and change parameter 252 to 1. That will allow you to change the other settings. You can get the parameters from the Aeotec website. Here is what I have mine set to:

parameter size value
3 1 1
20 1 0
80 1 3
90 1 1
91 2 25
92 1 5
101 4 0
128 1 1
145 1 10
242 1 0

EDIT: parameter 252 should be 0


I made a proposed change the compatible devices wiki listing this device with the Aetec Outlet 6 driver to avoid any confusion in the future too. :slight_smile:

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@Wounded Thankyou for taking the time to help me
I hold it for 20 seconds and wait for it to cycle to reset as per the Aeotec manual.
Secure join is set to locks/garage
Do you mean Generic z-wave switch or Generic z-wave smart switch ? I can't see

or I could just be missing it

@Ryan780 Thankyou as well.
It stops working correctly so thought I had a dud unit, so removed reset retried the other device first, same result. Had tried a cold start and it made no difference, will leave it unplugged for 5 mins later and see if that changes anything, might not have left it unplugged long enough last time.

At present I have one unit paired but not control over it

Basic Z-wave tool can be found here:

Gentlemen, thankyou both for your time and assistance.
What I did tonight was move the plugs to next to my hub
shutdown the hub and unplugged the power between the wall and the zigbee stick.
switched the device to the Basic Z-wave driver and set 252 to 1
saved it, then switched back to the original driver and all seems fine.

Then paired 2nd device
switched the device to the Basic Z-wave driver and set 252 to 1
saved it, then switched back to the original driver and all seems fine.

On both units under the Basic Z-wave driver
parameterNumber:90, size:1, value:0
I can't seem to change it, but not a big deal

I am now going to move them further away and test range inside the house.

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ok have now determined I had two issues.
1 - the oomi's being locked
2 - range, I'll need a repeater, I've worked my way from the hub out till I started getting failures and definitely have a range issue, which is easy fixed by getting another oomi to fill the gap.

Thankyou Both for your assistance !!

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If you move them apart, so that one is half way to the second, you will have to perform a z-wave repair before one will repeat for the second. Z-wave isn't a self-healing mesh. so, you shuld be able to get one at least twice as far from the hub as the second.

hey @Ryan780 yep understand that, because of what I wanted them for I'm going to order another two so that I can make the distance reliably, replacing some wifi switches with them

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Okay...but make sure that you pair them in place or run a z-wave repair when you move them. Otherwise they won't respond correctly.

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Yep plan is to pair the next two (when they arrive) locate all four then run a z-wave repair.


Hi @keith_munro. Sorry, I gave you some bad info. Parameter 252 should be set to 0, not 1.
0xFC (252) Enable/disable Configuration Locked (0 =disable, 1 =enable).
Again, sorry, this probably didn't help with your troubleshooting.

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@Wounded - Thankyou ! That would explain the not setting 90, I'll spin them up this arvo and unlock them

interesting the brightness on this one, 84 has a default value of 3289650 and does not like percentages, think this might be a v7 with an au plug. Was able to dim it by making it 1/4 the value