Z-wave network failure -please help!

2 days ago I noticed some of my rules weren’t working and I had to manually turn off and on lights. Status would show in hubitat but commands would not work. Rebooted/rebuilt/ powered off/ unplugged multiple times. Found Z wave live logs showing one device reporting “physical off” literally every 1/100 of a second. I removed and excluded this device. Still no Z wave control. Found a few other devices that looked like possible ghosts, removed those as well. Still no zwave. Now nothing works and statuses don’t even update. Repairs don’t work and the hub seems to not be able to communicate with any devices at all. Any tips of where to go next? I’ve spent so much time in this already thinking about resetting and starting all over. I have over 60 devices on this hub it would be hours of work…

Z wave logs is empty, is there a setting to enable that? Live logs also show nothing.

I tried to copy the Z wave details page but I can’t figure how to screen shot such a large page. None of the devices are ghosts. Here is a picture of the graph.

Long shot, but when was the last time you shutdown the hub and removed power for 15-30 seconds?

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After that, a controlled shutdown and unplugging power for 30 seconds, I'd generally recommend not to do anything rash.

People will come up with suggestions. You don't want to unnecessarily goober up everything and then force yourself to start from scratch.

You should provide the hub model and what firmware is installed as well, I would think.
Meanwhile, do you recall doing anything with Hubitat 2 days ago? Perhaps added/modified a rule, etc?


Can you post your z-wave details page in its entirety? Use windows snip

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While there are apps that can do this, I'd just do multiple snips.

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Did you do a controlled shutdown, 30 second power cycle after that?

Also, when you say "remove and exclude", what does that mean? I think exclude only would do it.

Do you still have some past logs with a sample of that?

All of this is leapfrogging over the controlled shutdown/30 second power cycle exercise though.

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Hi all! Running a C8 with

Yes, I have done multiple shut downs and 30 second power cycles.

I have tried disabling Z wave radio, and then enabling it.

I do have hub protect with multiple backups.

Here are the snips of some of the past logs and Z wave details. If you look at the oldest log you can see the 3 devices that were spamming with "physical off" signals. 2 of them were dead switches (do not work the lights at all physically or remotely) which I had to force remove. The 3rd one still physically operates.

Sorry for the multiple posts, it will only let me post 5 files at a time.


Again, I know next to nothing, but...
Are those old Jasco switches that failed?
Although before my time, I've read they go bad.
Not sure of the havoc that can create though.
People will probably say that you have some ghosts, (see devices with "Discover").
I think it wouldn't be a bad idea to get rid of them, if possible, since they can't help things.
Perhaps hit discover and or refresh on one at a time, see if you can get a "Remove", I believe.
Otherwise you have to go with the z-stick method, or whatever it's called. @danabw wrote up a nice procedure.
Someone might be able to tell you something from the details on a Device page for a similar switch, like model, vintage, etc, so you could post a snip of that.

You have 8 ghosts that are probably trashing your mesh. (The ones with the discover buttons next to them) Those need to me removed. Click the refresh button on the device line until the remove button appears and click remove (may take a few times per device). IF you cannot remove the devices you will need a z-wave stick to remove them. Your z-wave radio is likely working fine, it's your mesh that's trashed.

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Did you remove power from them so that they aren't still attempting to send? Removing their power should also let you remove the ghost device that was probably created by force removing it.


@njm722 Regarding below:

More info on that process to use the hub's built-in ghost removal tools below...follow the steps exactly as listed.

If above doesn't work, then see section 4 of the Ghost Removal post:

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I haven't removed power from those 3 devices yet. I wasn't sure if they could still mess up the mesh even if they were removed but still had power. I will try this first.

Based on recent information removing power from the devices when removing ghosts is generally no longer considered a requirement/best practice. I would start w/the steps I posted just above, and don't worry initially about removing power from the devices. If removing power is easy to do it won't hurt your attempts to remove the devices.

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Yes, old Jasco switches.

I have had many go bad before, so always keep stock to replace...

I don't believe those devices are actually bad, they were just ones that I tried to repair and then after the failed repair it came up with "discover." I can't possibly have 8 more bad devices, can I?

Do I try to restore a cloud backup? Would that get me to where it was partially working or am I too far past that already?