From what I've read and myself experienced when I got started with installing this mesh in the beginning of December, I wouldn't recommend my route to anyone who's not prepared to put in both the time and effort as well as having a technical background suitable to understand how to compensate for issues. With that said, for me it was fun, I would wager that for most it wouldn't be... We all have different things we enjoy
For sure.
I've seen that post before. I'm thinking Apple may not like that so much. Seems to act too much like their hubs (Apple TV, iPad or HomePod). Their legal team may have something to say about that at some point. Homebridge is quite different since it doesn't remove the dependency on Apple devices, and I think that's why it's never been crushed by their legal team.
If Apple doesn't like that, then they can just not like that, but it would be hard for them to do much about against me personally, I live in China (no legislation to "protect" against these things), I'm not a US citizen and have a great law firm representing me...
But it is a good point, maybe not the best thing to go and do in the US... Using it should be of no issue however (disclaimer: consult your own lawyer, don't take this as legal advice).
And they will. Apple has very big business in China. Don’t underestimate them. Your legal representation is nothing against what they can afford, unless you happen to be a billionaire developer posting on the Hubitat forum
Who knows I will consult my lawyers here on this specific matter to make sure I break no local laws (the general advice I have from them on similar issues is the above). Also, my company does 0 business with the US, on purpose.
Big business and more money doesn't mean they can force things through in China, they've lost a lot of legal battles with very small companies here.
EDIT: Let's table this "legal discussion" and move on, these things are not what is fun about this... Let the lawyers handle it if we ever get there, which I seriously doubt, no illegal reverse-engineering of proprietary code or hardware is needed to implement this. The library used by the Home Assistant Controller is a released Python library, if anyone would be in trouble it would be whoever released that, and that was a rather long time ago. If anyone tried to use it in a commercial product and make money of it, then I'm sure Apple would come knocking much too quick...
Input regarding whether these new ZigBee 3.0 button remotes will likely work with the Hubitat Hub.
As I understand it, this line of products seem to fit into this description you gave on another thread:
By default, when paired, these remotes send commands to NWK broadcast address 0xFFFF (all nodes) in addition to reports from the server Multistate Input clusters to the coordinator.
To stop the Aqara-Opple remotes from broadcasting commands, bindings need to be created for the client clusters, preferably to a ZigBee group.
I assume that a Hubitat driver could written to configure these remotes with bindings when paired, but I'm not sure what to what group, because a group with any subscribed members would in effect be directly controlled by the remote (without intervention by the hub), and that's not ideal if a user wanted to use the remote to control things other than bulbs and/or switches.
The other weird thing I've read about these remotes is that they don't advertise the Multistate Input clusters nor the various endpoints they use for the various types of button presses. As seen in the fingerprint data from @SmartHomePrimer's OP, it only advertises clusters for endpointId 01
that include outClusters
for Identity, ON/OFF, Level Control, & Color Control
. However, I'm guessing that's such a problem since most of the messages they send have been sniffed out elsewhere on the internet.
that's how it's done with current button controller devices, relevant out clusters for each endpoint are bound to and away we go...
I've not bound to any group clusters, nor recall seeing any devices advertise this as an out cluster.
This would be awesome to replace a 6 gang light switch, so I'll add another request for a driver, if anyone is thinking about it. I'd rather not have to get heaps of other bits to get it working with HE.
Definitely a nice controller and easy to have just sitting around. It doesn’t slip or mark up furniture in its base. A very stable functioning remote with the Aqara hub and Homebridge. Worth the extra kit.
That’s not going to happen as it seems even if you unbind it from the controller to an individual device you still only get the preset button actions.
When everything I’ve ordered arrives I’m going to put together a tasmota zigbee bridge and see if it works with that.
That's a pity. I'd still be interested to hear how you get on with that solution.
Geez, what a writeup. I think Xiaomi owes you some money.
Thanks for keeping me from destroying the button.
Pairing mine now with high hopes for my first Zigbee 3.0 Xiaomi device!!
- cleaned contacts with contact cleaner spray-no good
- cleaned contacts and battery with deoxit-no good
- emery cloth folded and shoved in and out of battery slot-and sanded the freaking battery--finally a go !
I noticed there was some gummy sticky substance on the board, its contacts, the battery and the edge of the board, not good. I almost was ready to call it dead and wasn't looking forward to fighting with aliexpress over 15 bucks.
All is good,
Now to figure out how to keep it from turning on all the lights
@markus wrote a driver for this and has details of how to watch the logs in the pairing sequence.
I never have used his driver. Mine is still joined to my Aqara HomeKit hub and it is syncing to virtual switches via Homebridge. I add toggle capabilities with RM. This has continued to work so well, I have had no reason to change it to directly paired with HE.
Thank You, Driver loaded and working like magic. Somehow Markus's driver stopped it from messing with every zigbee light in the house!
It's now a very nice device, oh the possibilities.
Can I say best button controller, ever?
How did you make out @at9?
Using mine with Markus's driver and it's pretty fantastic. All 30 button's worth directly on HE
I have no idea how you guys are keeping track of 30 different clicks. I have a hard time fully remembering what the 15 out 18 I've programmed do!
Who said anything about keeping track? When my wife pisses me off I make her figure out how to make it do what she wants, the house winds up looking like a disco.
Seriously I use ptouch labels, with a tiny font. Haven't done the opple yet, but here is the idea
[Cringes] Such a beautiful and simple remote, brought to this!
I use markus's driver also. I got the tasmota zigbee working but had no use for it in the end.