Xiaomi Opple 6 button remote

Input regarding whether these new ZigBee 3.0 button remotes will likely work with the Hubitat Hub.

As I understand it, this line of products seem to fit into this description you gave on another thread:

By default, when paired, these remotes send commands to NWK broadcast address 0xFFFF (all nodes) in addition to reports from the server Multistate Input clusters to the coordinator.

To stop the Aqara-Opple remotes from broadcasting commands, bindings need to be created for the client clusters, preferably to a ZigBee group.

I assume that a Hubitat driver could written to configure these remotes with bindings when paired, but I'm not sure what to what group, because a group with any subscribed members would in effect be directly controlled by the remote (without intervention by the hub), and that's not ideal if a user wanted to use the remote to control things other than bulbs and/or switches.

The other weird thing I've read about these remotes is that they don't advertise the Multistate Input clusters nor the various endpoints they use for the various types of button presses. As seen in the fingerprint data from @SmartHomePrimer's OP, it only advertises clusters for endpointId 01 that include outClusters for Identity, ON/OFF, Level Control, & Color Control. However, I'm guessing that's such a problem since most of the messages they send have been sniffed out elsewhere on the internet.