[Wiki] HTTP Features and Endpoints

This is genius. I am gonna have to go and buy a few more plugs now for when the grand-kids come over and start the recliner wars.


The initial post is a [WIKI] now.
Backlinked here

I think restart is gone as well...


This one works for me as of 5 seconds ago

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Is there any endpoint that returns the date time when the hub starts from a reboot?

Are you looking to find out when the hub rebooted? If so, you can get this from the Logs under the -> Hub Events tab. You will see β€œsystemStart” under β€œName”.

If you are looking for getting this date internal to the hub, you can see [RELEASE] Hub Information Driver v3. Install that and access the lastHubRestart or lastHubRestartFormatted via that device. Or you can look at the code to see how it computes it from location.hub.uptime.



Is there a way to find out hub incoming voltage? Kind of like the /hub/advanced/internalTempCelsius command?


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Hey, it was worth a shot. :slight_smile:

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Note that the hub's power connection is micro-USB, so you'd only get a 5V reading (at best).


So? Plus, it's USB-C, I believe.

The C-5 and C-7 are Micro USB.

Ok, I guess I'm wrong.

The C8, which hasn’t been released yet, has a USB C connector according to the documents submitted to the FCC.

I think I got messed up because of the title of the ups project.

Hi everyone!
Is there an undocumented command to access cron on the hub (remove/finalize a particular job)? It doesn't seem to work in my system (after an upgrade from to, no resolution has been found so far. Can't even list of things I've tried - going back to previous backups, soft reset, ...
It's a job with no name that stuck in the cron's schedule that prevents the service to continue running (can be seen via http://hubitat.local/logs --> Scheduled jobs).
Any other ideas how to kill that job?
Thanks in advance!

I've forwarded this to one of the engineers. We'll look into it. Send my your hubID by PM.


There isn't one right now, but I'll add one in the next build.

There are endpoints to delete all jobs for a given app/device, but they're not going to be useful in this scenario since the job is orphaned.