Why do I want Pushover?

oh, no, i did not make the modifications myself :wink:

Please see this link with modified driver and how to use the extra functions.

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Which version of the beta are you running? I see that was just released earlier today. Is that the one I want?

Yes, I am on the beta not the "normal" version. If is the latest, I would install that one. I use Hubitat Package Manager, so I don't pay lots of attention to versions. I just click update when one comes out.

If you haven't tried HPM, you should. It makes installing, managing, and updating things like this MUCH easier.

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I just started using pushover. It's on mine and my wife's phone and I have it set to sync notifications. So we both get a notification that the washer/dryer/dishwasher is done and when we swipe the notification away, it lets the other person know it's been taken care of.

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Nice. I didn’t know it did that.

I just got SendMail working. What I like is that I can get notifications even if I have the phone's mobile network turned off (to conserve power, or whatever), and that it would indeed work on a dumb phone. Pushover is quite nice as well, but needs the mobile network, and an app to work.

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Exactly...I like that about sendmail as well.

Plus, I believe either can be set up to send to more than one address.

It'd be nice if the notifications could be more finely filtered to, say, if mail arrives it could go to one address, and if there's a leak it could go to another, or both.

I'm not sure Pushover can do this, even with buying another subscription, and I'm pretty sure SendMail can't, since you only have the one device.

May be able to set up some filters in your email account to forward based on keywords in subject or body.

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all apps that support notification support going to multiple people.. you can setup another push or sendmail to go to a different person as well and select multiple notification devices..

i do just as you say for certain ones like leaks or temps too hot or cold i send to my wife and myself.


I never thought of that: just add another device!

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You don't.


Well if you are going to take that attitude, then why can we not just manually flip the switch?


Errrr actually I do just that for most of my home despite having HE :smiley:

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I have a sendmail device for myself, wife, and son who's still at home, and my brother (for leak notifications if we're away on vacation, which sadly never happens any more).

For my brother I add a subject line identifying the text is from me in his device page so when he gets the text remembers it's "me" and not some text spam.


I may have to try it. Only sms come across to my Fitbit. I know. Low technology.

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except if you are in the US most/all cell companies have a special email address based on the phone# that you can send mail to and it will show up in sms...

AT&T: {cell number}@txt.att.net (SMS), {cell number}@mms.att.net (MMS)
T-Mobile: {cell number}@tmomail.net (SMS & MMS)
Verizon: {cell number}@vtext.com (SMS), {cell number}@vzwpix.com (MMS)
Sprint: {cell number}@messaging.sprintpcs.com (SMS), {cell number}@pm.sprint.com (MMS)
XFinity Mobile: {cell number}@vtext.com (SMS), {cell number}@mypixmessages.com (MMS)
Virgin Mobile: {cell number}@vmobl.com (SMS), {cell number}@vmpix.com (MMS)
Tracfone: {cell number}@mmst5.tracfone.com (MMS)
Metro PCS: {cell number}@mymetropcs.com (SMS & MMS)
Boost Mobile: {cell number}@sms.myboostmobile.com (SMS), {cell number}@myboostmobile.com (MMS)
Cricket: {cell number}@sms.cricketwireless.net (SMS), {cell number}@mms.cricketwireless.net (MMS)
Republic Wireless: {cell number}@text.republicwireless.com (SMS)
Google Fi (Project Fi): {cell number}@msg.fi.google.com (SMS & MMS)
U.S. Cellular: {cell number}@email.uscc.net (SMS), {cell number}@mms.uscc.net (MMS)
Ting: {cell number}@message.ting.com
Consumer Cellular: {cell number}@mailmymobile.net
C-Spire: {cell number}@cspire1.com
Page Plus: {cell number}@vtext.com
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I use both Pushover and Twillo, one backs up the other.
I've always had issues with Hubitat mobile app not receiving notifications. It seem like it works for a while then it just stops.

Like just now, I tested a sensor and both Pushover and Twillo sent the notification but never received it from Hubitat mobile app. Had to go into my Samsung S10+ uninstall Hubitat app, then down load it again from Play Store. Once installed tested the sensor again and now I get a notification from Hubitat mobile app.

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Throwing this out there, I recently enhanced my Twilio community driver to make voice calls as well. This can be useful for important things like water leaks or be used if say mode is away and something happens:


Another vote for Pushover here. In addition to sending alerts via the Hubitat driver, you can also send them via an email address (similar to sending SMS messages via email above) from other platforms. Details here: https://support.pushover.net/i29-e-mailing-notifications-to-your-devices.