Why do I want Pushover?

What I would really like at some point is that Hubitat reinstitutes native support for SMS. That's a feature that I expected when I came over from ST and was surprised/disappointed it was missing. I am hopeful that as they develop a more robust business model w/additional revenue sources (from the backup service and other offerings), that they can re-institute SMS support.


Or at least a secure email client...

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I use pushover for, I think at last count, over 20 applications. I'm not switching away now... :wink:

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Dammit...I promised @kahn-hubitat I'd have 50 new Sendmail users by tomorrow!

He's got one.


49 and counting down...I'm on a roll, baby!! :wink:


got ya beat. lol

Ok you guys have me beat.

Total of 15 apps using pushover across two hubs.

Cant believe I had to go and count !!

actually thats my email not pushover but you get the idea.. i also have a twilio acct and notification device but since you have to pay i avoid it except for critical warnings likes leaks , wine coolor too hot and fridges to cold. etc. those i have multiple methods of alerts.




Next, we'll be talking about whether Hubitat has a Telegram integration that lets you generate phone calls, so you can listen to a spoken audio message sent from your hub. Of course, even without such a (native) integration, it's possible to send such alerts as HTTP calls to the Telegram API, which is well documented. Just like Twilio, Pushover and others discussed above.

Didn't see it mentioned above (it's a long thread) but one reason Pushover is cool is you can include html in your messages. So you can add colour, bold text etc. Also you can add a clickable link by including the relevant html in your message. This can be done for example, using the Pushover node in Node-RED. Unfortunately I don't think it is possible from HE because they filter out html from notifications text. When my HSM alarm goes off I get a notification to my phone and can click immediately on the link if I want to run a rule on HE to immediately turn the alarm off and reset it. The rule gets run by an endpoint. Works like a charm.


I think @JasonJoel meant he uses pushover as a means to centralize notifications from Hubitat, and at least 19 other services that may have little or nothing to do with Hubitat.

I didn’t use pushover before I started using Hubitat, but since then I’ve come up with other uses for it too. So I agree that’s a nice perk of integrating it with Hubitat.

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The other good thing I'll mention about Pushover is it's just a few bucks to buy - for something this capable with a solid API to Node-RED - and then you can move it to another device later without having to repurchase it. I appreciate that flexibility.