Why did the Hubitat Hub jump to $129.95

I'm really disappointed there has been no formal announcement and rationalization posted to this forum by Hubitat management team.

Why? They aren't beholden to you or me,



They set the price, consumers decide whether or not to buy at that price.

Why are we overcomplicating this?


Agreed, gonna be honest... do any of us really care about the pricing? I don't get $.01 when an HE sells and I don't get $.01 when it doesn't. They'll sell it for what the market will pay, end of story. If it stops selling at $129, I bet you'll see the price come down quickly. That being said, I see people grumbling, but then still buying it. So if it flies off the shelf at $129, they'd be stupid not to charge $149, or $169! Why are iPhones 2-3x the price of an Android? Not because they're 2-3x better, but because people pay it. And when Apple releases a new device and says "I wonder if people will pay $1,500 for an iPhone instead of the $1,200 last time" they do! That's how the free market works. Supply and demand. If you don't like the pricing, home assistant is free along with many other options using an rpi.

If you don't like the price, don't buy it, plain and simple. Then HE will react to the market forces and lower their prices. That's capitalism... it's a good thing.


If you have something on sale constantly, the sale price (according to the FTC) becomes the regular price. (see FTC v My Pillow) Besides, companies have to do revenue management, i.e., anticipate demand and optimize availability and pricing, in order to achieve the best possible financial results. If you're waiting for the next container of widgets from China, it doesn't make any difference if you price them at $1 or $100. Especially if you only have three on the shelf to sell.


Ah my pillow, so many lawsuits they’ve managed to provoke. Which case is that?

This one doesn’t seem to have worked out for plaintiffs (unless they settled out of court or something):


We can both pretend to be legal scholars all day. Fact remains, spend the $129 or don't that's the decision.


Same here, I’d pay $5 a month if hubitat would employ developers like @codahq @Cobra @dman2306 full time. Imagine all the apps we’d have if he developed for 40 hrs a week. It also would open some support for a cloud for when absolutely nessisary

Edit: 3000 members paying $5 is $15k a month. That gets all 3 of them. 1 full time and 2 part time. I


Haha... well I am currently unemployed :wink:

As much as I like all of those guys, and they deserve all success they get, I wouldn't be willing to pay a recurring fee for just more apps. I would need fundamentally more capability in the base hub to warrant a monthly fee, and only the core Hubitat guys can do that as it takes platform changes.

That, and a permanent/full fix to slowdowns and database corruption. :slight_smile:


So dman full time 1st. I swear I’d pay $ for “premium”....easy too..no hesitation

Oh, I would. They’d have a my q, ring, nest, ecobee stable intergration in months. A smooth cloud for Kasa devices. Theyd develop a bad ass mobile app too I bet. @codahq would get my meater working..;TAKE MY $ please

I agree, I really don't want to pay a monthly fee either. I still believe that @GregT needs to help them open up more revenue streams. Get some white label Zwave/Zigbee sensors that say "Hubitat Contact Sensor" like ST and Iris did and now you go from a one time $129.95 (or lower :wink: ) purchase to addons and small purchases that make my investment in the HE ecosystem overtime bigger. When you have a great community like HE has built, I know I'd buy an HE branded sensor even if it was $1-$2 more to support the company and I think others would too. Whenever I think about it I realize I spent $100 on my hub, but I spent THOUSANDS on my sensors... all that money could have gone to HE, instead, I buy ST sensors from their competitor! The other thing they need is more cloud integrations. I know they want to be local only (ideally), but I wish they'd integrate more platforms. If there was an official Ring integration and it had a one time fee of $5 to get it, I'd buy it. I'm sure others would too. Some wouldn't, but oh well... that's how a market works, some will pay and some won't!


I agree with all of that.


I also would buy Hubitat branded devices.. And wouldn’t mind value add-on (optional) subscription services.


I would absolutely pay HE a re-occuring fee if there was a premium model that offered up some stuff.
E.g. Subscription life time warranty of the HE hub hardware, Discounts on future/additinoal HEs and specific IoT Devices (Ring's model), premium support, maybe even cloud backups of my HE so I can stop forgetting to do my own downloads.

More than actually getting anything in return as I don't like the idea of "features" being hidden from non-payers, I'd have no problem spending $5-$8 a month on something like this that has transformed my house.


Just made this comment in another thread but that's not happening. Amazon's stance: "ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US"


I think I'll probably do Anova first.


The nano?

In my opinion, HE is open to third-party products but reliability is the core issue.
Would you want a relay marked HE to burn your wall or a sensor that reads whatever?