The developer is @josh (Josh Lyon). I don't have a Wink Relay, but looking at the driver code, it looks like both relays are supported. You will have to use Custom Commands or Custom Actions to create two virtual switches and then rules that turn on/off relay1 and relay2 devices using virtual switches.
No problem. I have to use the same approach to control each individual relay in my Enerwave dual-zwave relays. What I stated is incorrect, here's what I meant to write:
a) Create two virtual switches - one for each relay within the Wink Relay
b) Using Rule Machine, create a rule that uses Custom Actions to run the commands relay1On and relay1Off when with first virtual switch is turned on or off.
c) Do the exact same thing for the second virtual switch, except the Custom Actions will be relay2On and relay2Off.
No worries - I was a 2 day-old Hubitat user not so long ago. Anyway, the image below should help you.
Here's what I did:
I created a virtual switch called "Test Virtual Switch". The rule below uses this virtual switch to control the first relay (on1, off1) in an Enerwave dual-relay called "Shredder and Fan".
The rule had two conditions: "Test Virtual Switch on" and "Test Virtual Switch off" that were created before creating any of the actions.
Using conditionals, the rule does the following:
IF Test Virtual Switch turns on
THEN run custom action "on1" on Shredder and Fan
ELSE IF Test Virtual Switch turns off
THEN run custom action "off1" on Shredder and Fan
Here's a series of screen shots leading to a custom action. In this case, the physical device (Enerwave Dual-Relay) is called "Shredder and Fan"
Create a virtual switch:
Create a new rule:
The trigger is Virtual Switch changed:
Create the two conditions to test for (Virtual Switch On & Virtual Switch Off):
Choose "Set Mode or Variables, Run Custom Action", and select "Run Custom Action":
The capability for the action device is Switch, and the switch I selected is "Shredder and Fan":
The Custom Commands that become available are specific to the Enerwave Dual Relay driver and will include the "on1" and "off1" command that was used a couple posts back.
Thank you, finally got it. The wink relay was a main reason I chose hubitat and never would have been able to do this without you. Thank you again for all your help.