webCoRE for Hubitat Updates

Up to date in HPM (haven't switched to HE version of webcore), latest version of HE, not finding any obvious webcore errors in HE logs.

What cleared the previous, non-dismissable alerts was updating webcore - not that I specifically updated webcore to get rid of these alerts, just that they were gone after the update.

If this happens again, lets try to look at it.

Something else to be aware of:

I was able to reproduce it to the point that I had custom rules trigger several alerts. They're currently dismissed in HSM

but they're still sticking around in the dashboard:


They appeared immediately, but dismissing them in HSM doesn't make them disappear - not even after 15 minutes.

No error in logs. Nothing else that's unusual. I'll go through the troubleshooting steps and I'll keep an eye on the alerts, but currently, they're cleared in HSM and still visible in the dashboard.

Can you show the location events in regards to the rule Alert?

The docs suggest there is supposed to be a cancel or cancelRuleAlerts to clear them

@Shenanigans / @nh.schottfam same with me. I found a work around in creating a piston with the action "Set Hubitat Safety Monitor status to disarmAll" and after a wait of 2 seconds back to disarm. This clears the alerts in webCoRE for me. As I said, a workaround but I would be happy to get rid of these annoying messages.

Update: I don't use any custom rule alerts.

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HSM has the option of configuring a switch to cancel alarms which opens up a few options, and if you want the nuclear option disarming and then re-arming HSM will also clear the alarms.

But why do appear the messages in webCoRE? And more interesting how to avoid popping up?

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Don't think you can suppress, and as to why I believe it predates HE...

It would help me if someone would show the event sequence in HSM.

This can be a private message

The events going on should be in HE console -> logs -> 'Location events'

Yeah, I just noticed that disarming the rules does make the alerts in the webcore dashboard disappear. However, I can't just disarm the rule that triggered the alert - it seems like I have to disarm all HSM rules in order to make the webcore dashboard alerts disappear.

What's also really weird is that the webcore dashboard shows HSM as "disarmed" but with an alert


when the actual HSM is armed and all alerts are cleared.


I get this one just in the moment when HSM changed into armed mode (changed by a webCoRE piston.


I just wrote this piston


to test, and it does seem to get rid of the alert messages - but I never see a "HSM arming Alert" message.

Do you have an arming delay set?

I used the same approach.
First step "disarmAll" and after a wait of 2 seconds a "disarm". That clears the HSM arming alerts in webCoRE. I used this with some conditions.

Now I'm thinking about using a "make a Get request" to set HSM. Hopefully I get rid of the messages in webCoRE and don't need the disarmAll function anymore.

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I'm generally not even disarming/re-arming HSM.

Maybe that's why this issue hasn't popped up for others users.

For me, HSM is just permanently armed to monitor the smoke sensors, and to watch temperature and humidity in the house via a couple of custom rules.

New release (HPM update) pushed today. Will flow into built-in as HE rolls out new firmware.


  • Cleanup of handling hsmAlerts, and clearing alerts

  • ability to set arming delay when issueing setAlarmSystemStatus command

  • fix for threeAxis attribute exception

  • updates so webCoRE UI can backup and track backup status (if using automatic backups)

    • webCoRE IDE may ask if you want to backup items, it is ok to let it, as it detected backup items may not be accessible if account ID changes have happened.
  • improve handling of failed parse of hub variable of type datetime

  • updates so webCoRE IDE can more accurately display custom parameters for custom device commands

  • updates to improve webCoRE IDE operations (reduction in data sent while IDE is open)

  • fixes to remove old value/expression settings (that are no longer being used)

  • adjustments to event tracking to reduce warning in the IDE for tracking triggers.

Many thanks to @ipaterson for UI side updates on dashboard and staging.


I have come across a strange issue maybe someone can help with.

Currently I have multiple instances of webcore installed. They are all configured with the same Location & Account Identifiers. With both chrome and edge, all instances except for one are having an issue with creating a new piston. Using the normal steps, but i'll list them anyway.

  1. Click New Piston
  2. Create a blank piston (All 4 options here all ending in the same result as Create Blank.)
  3. Enter Author & Name followed by create

The screen says loading piston followed by the database update message. When the message goes away I am left in a totally different piston on another instance of webcore registered in the list. When I go back into the drop down list and choose the original instance where I tried to create the piston, it is listed in the paused section as blank.

I have logging set to full and here is the output:

app:582023-01-10 02:59:39.133 PMtracebroadcastPistonList sent

app:582023-01-10 02:59:29.946 PMdebugDashboard: getDb sending new db current: v0.3.114.20230109_HE in server

app:582023-01-10 02:59:29.158 PMdebugCreated Piston webCoRE Piston #1

app:582023-01-10 02:59:29.137 PMdebugcreated piston 95 params [access_token:removed, author:Me, name:webCoRE Piston #1, bin:, token:removed, callback:angular.callbacks._fj]

app:582023-01-10 02:59:29.101 PMdebugDashboard: Request received to create a new piston

app:582023-01-10 02:59:26.597 PMdebugDashboard: Request received to generate a new piston name


If on the same hub, you might make the location identifier different on each one (same accountID).

each instance is installed on a different hub

For those of us running local dashboards, should we update our local code? If so, what is the best procedure?