hsmAlert event with value cancelRuleAlerts

I've found, in the logs of an app of mine that subscribes to hsmAlert some events whose value is cancelRuleAlerts.

Shouldn't that kind of value be restricted to hsmSetArm events?

My experience as a user of HSM (or the triggers in Rule Machine) are that:

  • cancelRuleAlerts happens when you click "Disable Monitoring: Smoke, Water, Custom Rules" in the app (not sure what Dashboard option might also do this...Disarm All Rules, maybe? or Disarm All too?) as well as when you manually click a button on any individual custom monitoring rule in HSM to disarm it or do a "Cancel Alert" for any custom (but not buit-in) monitoring rule; and, not that you asked, but...

  • cancel happens when you click the "Cancel Alert" button in the app or Dashboard tile for a built-in intrusion alert or built-in water or smoke/CO alert

How it's actually supposed to work, I don't know, but since that is how it works I just went with it. :slight_smile:

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