webCoRE for Hubitat Updates

Heres the log.

01/11/2020, 21:24:56 +850ms
+4ms ╔Received event [Spare Zigbee Button].held = 1 with a delay of 37ms, canQueue: true, calledMyself: false
+21ms ║RunTime initialize > 20 LockT > 1ms > rtDT > 2ms > pistonT > 1ms (first state access 17 6 14)
+23ms ║Runtime (6317 bytes) successfully initialized in 2ms (v0.3.110.20201015_HE)
+26ms ║╔Execution stage started
+41ms ║║Cancelling condition #2's schedules...
+43ms ║║Condition #2 evaluated false (14ms)
+47ms ║║Cancelling condition #1's schedules...
+49ms ║║Condition group #1 evaluated false (state changed) (20ms)
+55ms ║║Comparison (integer) 1 gets (integer) 1 = true (0ms)
+57ms ║║Cancelling condition #7's schedules...
+59ms ║║Condition #7 evaluated true (7ms)
+60ms ║║Cancelling condition #6's schedules...
+62ms ║║Condition group #6 evaluated true (state changed) (10ms)
+64ms ║║Cancelling statement #21's schedules...
+82ms ║║Executed physical command [Lounge Siren - Chime].setVolume([5], ) (15ms)
+83ms ║║Executed [Lounge Siren - Chime].setVolume (17ms)
+87ms ║║Cancelling statement #27's schedules...
+123ms ║║Executed physical command [Lounge Siren - Chime].stop() (33ms)
+126ms ║║Executed [Lounge Siren - Chime].stop (37ms)
+131ms ║╚Execution stage complete. (106ms)
+134ms ╚Event processed successfully (133ms)
01/11/2020, 21:24:51 +641ms
+5ms ╔Received event [Spare Zigbee Button].pushed = 1 with a delay of 32ms, canQueue: true, calledMyself: false
+34ms ║RunTime initialize > 33 LockT > 2ms > rtDT > 17ms > pistonT > 16ms (first state access 14 7 26)
+38ms ║Runtime (6267 bytes) successfully initialized in 17ms (v0.3.110.20201015_HE)
+39ms ║╔Execution stage started
+47ms ║║Comparison (integer) 1 gets (integer) 1 = true (1ms)
+49ms ║║Cancelling condition #2's schedules...
+51ms ║║Condition #2 evaluated true (8ms)
+53ms ║║Cancelling condition #1's schedules...
+54ms ║║Condition group #1 evaluated true (state changed) (12ms)
+56ms ║║Cancelling statement #3's schedules...
+78ms ║║Executed physical command [Lounge Siren - Chime].setVolume([0], ) (18ms)
+79ms ║║Executed [Lounge Siren - Chime].setVolume (21ms)
+82ms ║║Cancelling statement #24's schedules...
+135ms ║║Executed physical command [Lounge Siren - Chime].playSound([17], ) (49ms)
+136ms ║║Executed [Lounge Siren - Chime].playSound (52ms)
+155ms ║║Condition #7 evaluated false (16ms)
+157ms ║║Condition group #6 evaluated false (state did not change) (18ms)
+161ms ║╚Execution stage complete. (123ms)
+164ms ╚Event processed successfully (162ms)

There is no difference shown in live logging between webcore and manually setting via hubitat.

Humor us and post a snippet of the live log when you change volume from the HE control

Anyone else not have webcore update with the time change. My shades did not close at sunset and I noticed they were set to close an hour later.

I guess it is webcore my hub time seems to be correct.

I also just went and looked at a RM rule that is set to run at sunrise tomorrow and it seems to have a pending task at the correct time.

I've got a work around now. I set the required volume in the piston as normal but instead of playing the sound directly from the piston I set a global variable to a value of the number of the sound I require. I then have another piston that monitors the variable for changes and plays the sound defined by the variable value. This works well, playing the sound I want and at the volume I want too. Seems a bit long winded but it does work.

What driver is being used for this device ?

Do you have the ability to to add debug messages to it?

So this sounds like you effectively added a delay. Did you try adding a wait before /after commands?

In another thread I found:

You can also change the volume before playing the sound, but you should add at least 1 second delay between changing the volume and playing the sound to ensure that the volume change gets applied before it starts playing.

Yes I tried adding a wait delay between setting the volume and playing the sound but that didn't work.
I'm using the HE input driver.

Hmm, seems the work around solution stopped working for some reason. It all seems very inconsistent. I am starting to think the problem is with the driver. If I watch the device settings I can see that the volume change is getting made straight away as soon as I push the zigbee button that triggers the test piston but the device is ignoring the setting and just playing at full volume. This is different behaviour to what I was seeing yesterday. Like I say, very inconsistent.
Using the below test piston if I press the zigbee button the piston triggers and I can see that instantly the device volume changes to 1 and when I hold the button the volume instantly changes to 100 in the device settings but the device plays at full volume regardless. This version of the piston is using my work around solution that uses a second piston but as mentioned this is now not working either.

Need to look into it further but I think that either there is a delay in HE receiving piston changes or the siren doesn't like been hit with changes to often.
Whilst testing I am changing the volume set in the first piston so that I can hear what is happening as well as watch the logs. If I make a change and leave it for a few minutes then it seems that this may help. I need to check further though to be sure.

So here are the live logs.
The highlighted section is when set and run from the HE device settings and the non highlighted is when run from webcore. Even though when run from webcore it shows that the volume changed to 100 it only actually played at 50.
It works correctly and consistently when set and run from the HE device settings but not from webcore even though the device logs show that the volume change has been made, it just doesn't play at the volume which was set. It's as if webcore is changing a device variable but not the actual setting itself so it looks like the volume has been changed but in actual fact it hasn't.


So the command sequence seems different

I don't see any off calls in webcore.

Also note the timing is much faster in webcore (ie all happens in less than 300ms), vs in your manual commands it has 6 second changes.

I suggest you should do a longer wait to match the timing.

Even a 10 second "wait" delay does not help. The only reason there is no "off" command in the webcore log is I used the stop command instead. There is both a "stop" and an "off". They both do the same thing. This particular time I just happened to use "off" when testing from HE. I have tried both just to make sure one way isn't affecting things differently but it isn't.


Last night, I had an issue where one of my pistons was receiving the same event multiple times. I verified this by checking the device logs, and the event in question only appeared there once. I resolved it by pausing and resuming the piston, which caused it to refresh its event subscriptions.

Have you ever seen this type of bug before? If it happens again, what logs should I gather to help you investigate it?

It would be good to see the subscriptions (he console -> Apps -> select gear icon next to piston in question)

Some logs from webcore would also help (medium or full for the piston) to see what it thinks is going on.

I've been having some trouble in that area -- my full piston logs are really short as compared to what I'm used to seeing coming from ST. They seem to be truncated much earlier. Are you aware of any Hubitat platform setting that might affect that?

There is a setting per piston
(HE console -> apps -> select piston -> 'Max number of history logs'

This is a key user of state, so the default for HE is lower.

Any idea of how often this data is updated?

Every 30 mins

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Any more help with the siren volume issue I'm having. Even a 10 second delay doesn't resolve it.

For others HE support has said this issue is a driver problem to be fixed in a future release and is not a webcore issue