webCoRE for Hubitat Updates

If you have some logs of any error - please share in a private message.

Do you run a local webcore server, or use dashboard.webcore.co?

I've restored to previous version - everything works fine now. Will give it another try (and will get some logs) tomorrow

After updating to the latest version, I'm seeing these errors logged precisely every 15 minutes. App 262 is WebCoRE (AFAIK pistons are executing normally). Any idea what's going on?

Strange. I posted an updated webcore.groovy file if you want to try it.


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I tried the update and so far so good; no error logged after 20 minutes. I'll let it run overnight and report back. Btw, I noticed that I have a couple of pistons disabled (via the red checkbox in the Apps list, instead of having paused them in the dashboard). Would that be significant?

it may be. The master webCoRE image expects to be able to talk to the child pistons.

You likely should disable these via webcore (either dashboard, or directly in the piston).

Still no errors after applying the update, thank you! I'll take your advice re: pausing pistons via WebCoRE instead of the Apps page.

HELP! Within the past few weeks, I've noticed that my Hub has started to REALLY slow down.... then it seems like it crashes. I've had to reboot multiple times and even Soft Reboot and restore from backups. This morning, I wake up to find that none of the motion lights are working, but the automated blinds (based on timing) still are. I get an Error 500 if I try to log into the Hub, but I was able to finally get in and get some logs. It seems like the initial error starts and then uses up all of the Hub's resources and slow everything to a crawl. . I've sent this to support@hubitat.com and I'm waiting to hear back. It looks like the Life360 connection.... which I re-installed a few days ago last time I had an issue. Anyone have any ideas here?

Thank you!!

This seems to be the initial error that starts the chain reaction:
app:1982020-07-09 07:03:24.748 am errororg.quartz.JobPersistenceException: Couldn't remove trigger: The database has been closed [90098-197] on line 2151 (deviceHandler)

app:1982020-07-09 07:03:15.373 am error░║ Error reading current value for Jonathan (Life360).address1:org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: The database has been closed [90098-197]

app:1982020-07-09 06:59:16.018 am error░║ Error calling comparison comp_was_less_than_or_equal_to:org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: General error: "java.lang.IllegalStateException: This map is closed [1.4.197/4]"; SQL statement: SELECT * FROM EVENT WHERE DEVICE_ID = ? ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?; [50000-197]

This likely should be its own topic, as it is not clear how this relates to webcore. I and others may have thoughts and suggestions, but it should be its own topic.

Ok- I can repost as a new topic; I posted here because it impacted webcore and running pistons.

Has anyone seen issues with the $currentEventDevice lately? I have a piston that gets triggered by either my wife's or my own presence sensor arriving. Part of the automation is to plug the event device name into a string that gets sent to me via Pushover, and also spoken via Echo Speaks. So normally, "Opening garage door because {name} has arrived" type things.

Recently, the $currentEventDevice seems to be somewhat... messed up. I get notifications like, "Opening garage door because Kitchen Table has arrived", or "Hub 2 has arrived", etc.

The kids think it's hilarious, and I find it kind of funny too... But I still want to figure out what the problem is!

I haven't been seeing this, but my rule is very simple. It checks to see if a sensor becomes not present (has not reported in for 3 hours), and if so, sends a simple email about that happening.

make sure you are running latest webcore

then after go into the piston in webcore console and pause then resume

@nh.schottfam is it possible to execute a piston locally instead of going through cloud.hubitat.com/api?

I set my wifi presence via webcall to a webcore external url, I was thinking it would be truly local if I can hit the local hub address instead of the cloud.

I think yes: (if you see the cloud - see below how to try local)

here is the format:

https://cloud.hubitat.com/api/hubID/apps/app#/rest of URL with access token

Things that change are hubID, app#

http:/ipaddressofhub/apps/api/app#/rest of URL with access token

things that change are ipaddressofhub, app#

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Thanks, will give it a try!

That worked when pasting directly in the browser, need to debug my node-red http call why it's not getting to the piston!

There is a new release of webcore out today - see note 1 in this thread

Package manager is updated to see this update

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Hi again,

I copied my piston from ST to my HE instance. Sending a test argument to the ST piston gives me the familiar {"result":"OK","timestamp":1595873522909} response.

If I pass that same argument to my HE instance, I get {"message": "Internal server error"}. This is using the cloud url, I wanted to make sure it works that way first.

if in a private message, can you send me some logs?

Is it possible for me to get piston code to reproduce?