Is there a weather service where I can get Hubitat to automatically get temperature forecasts to use with a rule or app? I did find one but it was $49 a month!
I'm using Open Weather Map, check here, its free
I use that one as well. Ran across this web page though man an interface for this would be killer.
Thanks I'll look at those. One thing that's always puzzled me, that perhaps you'd know is, when it gives the high and low temperature forecast for the 24hr period, does it mean that the low temperature could either be from midnight to early morning, or from nightfall to the following midnight? Or are the 24 hour periods from 6am-6am or what? Cos I really need to know which night applies to which forecast as it's gonna feed into a prompt for something I have to do before going to bed, you see.
To be clear I don't think we have an interface for I just find it's abilities amazing and I'm pretty sure there is an API for it I just don't know how to go about doing anything with it.
I'm using on my HA Dash (one of the reasons I use the HA one).
Hit the Local Weather, and it pops up the below
The 3 day forecast from Open Weather is also great on a dash too
Just read this in one forum, the OP has a PHD, but then this is the web, I'm a millionaire too
"A forecast high and low do indeed represent the predicted max and min temperatures during the midnight to 11:59 pm interval in question. No consideration is given to human activity (e.g., sleeping) nor is any information regarding confidence or uncertainty implied since this is a purely deterministic forecast. The last part of your question can be reconciled by considering the fact that the automated algorithm that generated the predicted max or min temperature you see in your app can be in error - sometimes badly so."
Okay so now I get to figure out how to get that working.
On the Windy one I assumed that was just a link so I put that there but when I click on it I get: refused to connect.
What's the magic I'm missing?
I’m pulling up Windy via HubiGraphs
This is what I'm using.
Change the ENTER_LAT and ENTER_LONG to yours and all should work
Thanks! Now to see if I can tweak it a bit. Where did you find the list of all those fields?
In particular I'd love to see radar.
Login, and then use the menu top left
Then once you have set the options, take the code and just use the URL without the iframes.
Bingo! Now if it could just appear on my default weather dashboard without clicking to get to it. But I appreciate getting it this far thanks!
You can get a free API Key and also use it, I think I may need to have a look at this,
You could, but only if you then created a web page to show your dash, and then use the whole iframe
I’m pretty sure Windy is showing up on a Dashboard I created, without any need to tap or press etc.
I used Hubigraph to show it.
I’m not really using Dashboards and I’m away from home today but can confirm in a few hours.
Take a look here - Weather from the internet
Got it going with what Royski gave me but I'll review that too thanks. I also have the OpenWeather stuff going just looking for better options always.
Not to pile on, but beside the Windy tile (mentioned kindly above) support in HubiGraph, (called RadarTile). I just added Weather Tile 2. It supports Curent Weather and Forecasts.