Looking for recommendations on a Weather Forecast API that specifically has
- Precipitation Probability
- Precipitation Accumulation
- Free or really cheap
as Im starting to work on automated sprinkler timers based on previous day rainfall and probability/level of current day rainfall
Ive found a few older - topics .. but want to bubble something newer up
Currently I have some nodered tests to compare forecasts/actual using
- World Weather Online - $5/month
- Visual Crossing -- current leader, no reason other then there is no reason against it
- Tomorrow.io - return date/time payload is confusing me.
- Wetter (via RapidAPI) - API via a sub service scares me for dependability reasons
I have seen a lot of talk about the following, but I cant seem to find any of the precipitation amount/probability info, but I could be missing it or not doing a proper request?
- OpenWeather
- AccuWeather
- Weatherbit.io
- AerisWeather
- WeatherStack
- Windy.com
Anyone solve this in other ways/services that I might have missed. Any recommendations appreciated. Ill update this thread once my testing of the services yields any data accuracy results.