I am using Markus's driver for Tuya valve
Thanks so much!
I now have a WaterCop for sale.
If anyone is interested, please send me a pm.
I use dome valves they work great.
In addition, I use EcoNet EBV105. I use this one for smaller valves not water mains.
There are newer models I could be found here Bulldog Valve Robot
I found both manufacturers work very well.
Ran both Dome and (newer) Bulldog for a while. Currently using the Bulldog. Seems to have a bit more torque and I like the mount which seems less stressful on the pipes. Otherwise both should work fine.
Been using the Dome since July 2017 with zero issues. House had the old multi turn knob so I hired a plumber to replace it with a 1/4 turn ball valve. Have had leaks that caused the valve to close and every time it did its job.
leak smark is expencive so far as i saw...
did you find what you are looking for ?
any recommendation will be appreciated.
I just installed a Dome last weekend. Piece of cake to install, works great.
Did you need to modify the water valve to use Markus' driver? I just got mine from eBay that looks just like the one you posted, but not sure if I have to flash the valve controller before using the driver, as it's not working as is. Thanks in advance!
Hey Juan, no flashing at all. Mine is a zigbee device(make sure you bought a zigbee device, not wifi) and it worked out of the box, no change needed. I think it even worked with the default HE driver. I use markus's driver because it has presence and recovery, if the device should fall off the mesh.
After pairing the data section should look similar to this.
Send me a photo and a link to your device, I'll see if it matches mine.
- endpointId: 01
- application: 41
- driver: v1.0.1.1123
- inClusters: 0000,0004,0005,0006
- outClusters: 0019
- model: TS0011
- manufacturer: _TYZB01_rifa0wlb
The new Zooz Zac36 looks interesting.
My bulldog is still working fine though.
This was the one I got eBay Zigbee 3.0 valve
And this is what it looks like:
When pairing, Hubitat doesn't know what it is, so I tried a few Zigbee and even a generic Zwave valve controller, but no luck, that's when I found this thread and your comment on the other driver.
These are the device details from Hubitat:
- endpointId: 01
- application: 50
- softwareBuild:
- inClusters: 0003,0004,0005,0006,E000,E001,0000
- outClusters: 0019,000A
- model: TS0001
- manufacturer: _TZ3000_iedbgyxt
Ah ha, yours is different. So you got it to pair, but the clusters are different.
Have you loaded Marcus's driver? I think I see a fingerprint in the driver for your valve, so once you add the driver it should work.
Not sure of your skill level.
Can you load a custom driver in HE and then switch the device to utilize that driver?
That looks just like the one I have (same clusters etc) and it works great with the Sinope Water Valve driver.
I do have the custom driver installed and assigned it to the valve, but it shows as not present. On/Off/Open/Close don't do anything.
I feel like I'm missing something. I reset the valve by holding the power button, the blue light blinks and I pair it with Hubitat, but Hubitat doesn't assign it a device type or anything, then I change it to the Tuya driver and save, but still no luck.
Do you remember how you got it to pair to Hubitat? I tried the Sinope water valve type too, but no luck. Current states show blank
After switching to the sinope driver then clicking save, did you click configure after and wait 5 mins?
Worked right out of the box for me.
I put Hubitat into Inclusion, applied power to the valve and it found it straight away as "device"
I then located the Sinope Water Valve driver, matched it up and clicked "configure" and "save" as should always be done. Sorry it seems so easy.
This is from my Device page...
Eureka!! I reset the controller without trying to pair it again, unplugged it after a while, plugged it back in and set it to pairing mode. After pairing, I set to the Sinope driver, saved, hit configure, and the states instantly updated to valve: open!
I'm so happy right now, I got this after our house flooded when a pipe burst while we were sleeping, so this paired with some Linking leak sensors will def give us some peace of mind.
Thanks so much to @Rxich , @njanda , and @rlithgow1 for the support!