Water Sensor Recommendations (optional with temp)

This. I have 20 of them in my home too. Just like @JasonJoel I have them under all sinks, toilets, washer, fridge, and HVAC. My parents attic HVAC caused $15k damage many years ago and I bought these shortly after since a $200-300 investment was much cheaper. The batteries have lasted a few years at this point as I purchased them about the time I bought my first HE hub in Jan 2018.


I'd like to add them under the toilets but my dogs would definately chew them up! I was inspired by this thread to install the 10th one under the refrigerator. :+1:


Good call as I also have friends that had water line burst within the fridge and flood their downstairs ruining their hardwood floors. We have crazy high water pressure around here and PRVs (pressure reduced valve) are a must.

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I have these (The homeseer Flex) as well and they work well. I have had them about 6 months and they are still over 50% battery. You can put them on AC with a USB mini adapter then they become Z-Wave repeaters, but you need to determine this before you include them.

Damn it, now you’ve got me thinking that I’ll have to get a plumber to install a ball valve on the water line into my house.
The existing water utility control point is a screw type tap. :slightly_frowning_face:
Then I’d have to get 12v. DC outside, for the Zwave Control.
Would be a whole lot easier if this house had an internal mains shut off.


So you must be in the South. Here in New England the outside water pipe is at least 6 feet below ground level :slight_smile:


Yep South Pacific, South Asia, South of just about everywhere LOL. - Australia