Very new to Hubitat. As in, VERY new. Questions about dashboards

Did you purchase a UDM base model, or a UDM Pro? If the latter, then it does not even have WiFi built-in, and would make more sense to have in a central closet. Then you would have UniFi Wireless Access Points spread throughout the house, using 2.4 GHz channels 1, 6, 11 (alternating for each WAP) to avoid conflicts with Zigbee.

But setting up a UniFi network is a whole different subject altogether, and is not a trivial task.

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I purchased the base model. But I need to have it in that closet, because the modem is in that same closet (because thats where the cable enters the house from outside). I CAN put HE whereever I want, but I thought it would be convenient since it is really at the center of the house so there is no 'from one end of the house to the other end' because it is at the actual center.

I have a UDM base, along with 3 other UniFi wireless access points spread throughout my home. My Hubitat hub is within 16 inches of the UDM, and it works long as channels are chosen wisely. :wink: Have fun with your new house and network equipment. I found it fun and challenging to learn all of the nuances and best practices of getting the UniFi networking set up and running stably. It is definitely 'different' as compared to traditional Netgear, Linksys, and Asus routers. :slight_smile:

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If this helps, my WiFi was on channels 1 & 6. My zigbee networks were on channels 15 & 25. In total I had ~120 zigbee devices in a small townhouse.

Everything worked very well.


Yeah, those WAPs I will buy as soon as I see how good/bad the WIFI is throughout the house with just the UDM base. The reason I bought the thing in the first place is...well actually, there are 2 reasons:

  1. The supplied router is crap. The WIFI signals just....dissappears every couple of days. It's just gone. It's not turned off, it's just not there anymore but when you check the settings, wifi is 'on'. The modem itself is still online, so everything connected with a cable is great. Only way to get WIFI back is by rebooting the modem. I'm done with that. Since the controller I'm using now for home automation is WIFI only, I'm dependent on WIFI for that, but even when it works, it works so-so.

For instance, Hue lights, I have to turn on 1 by 1. If say 'turn on livingroom (4 lights)' sometimes they all come on, but most of the time 1 or 2 do not turn on or when they turn on, they are at 5%. So I needed to build in 1 second delays for each light otherwise it would not work. But since it is dependent on WIFI, it sucks.

  1. Mobile devices. They depend on WIFI too and if I need to reboot the modem every 72 hours, that gets annoying really fast. So I started to look around for a reliable router, so I can put the modem in bridge mode and be done with that thing.

But, a friend of mine who has one of those Dream Machines says it's relatively simple, so I'm gonna try it, but it's easy for him to say since networking is his job. So, it'll work eventually but I first want to try it myself. :slight_smile:

I just want reliable, STABLE Wifi. It does not need to be anything fancy, I don't use it for exotic stuff, I just want reliable wifi, and since there are LAN cables everywhere in the house, I will connect everything via cable, except for the mobile devices.

Right, so, let's bump this topic again :slight_smile:

[Release] HomeWizard P1 energy module driver <- I have this device. I was glad to see that it is supported by HE. But, in that topic it links to:

Opening that link leads to

There I see 2 items, a ....driver.groovy and a .json repository. Which of those do I need? Or do I need both? And how do I...import it to my HE?

You simply need to add a new driver to your hub, using the IMPORT feature and this URL

Here are the basic steps


Thank you. Just did this. Seems to have worked. But, how do I now add that device? The device is connected via WIFI, so I'm guessing I have to add it as a virtual device?

But if I do that, I have to fill out some data, including a Zigbee Id, which I don't have since it's not a zigbee device:

Also, I don't know the Device Network ID, so the one prefilled is not correct. Or do I have to add it another way?

Just fill in the RED "Device Name" field, and leave everything else alone.


Thank you :slight_smile:

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Small tip: if you set the refresh rate to anything faster that 5 minutes, you need to limit the event and state hestory a tat bit lower than default.
Else the hub wil start complaining after a while about the amount of stored events:


If 11 is default, would 1 (the smallest possible value) be OK? Do I need those histories? I have not added the device yet, since the device in my new house and HE is not yet there, so I don't see anything yet ,but would 1 be OK or does it need to be larger than 1?

11 is not the hub default value for those settings. I would set them at 11 and leave well enough alone. No need to set them to 1. The events will accumulate and the hub's automated purge will eventually bring them back down to 11 periodically, which helps to keep the database size much more manageable.


Ah I see. Thanks.

Indeed. I think 50 events and states is the default now.
Seeing we use about 14 states for the device, this would mean that 14x50= 700 states, and one event every X minutes. Allot of data that you do not realy need.

nb, seeing you have the module, you must be Dutch or Begian.
If you need help, PM me, as my native language is Dutch.


I am Dutch indeed. :slight_smile: I will, if I run into problems as soon as the HE is in my new house :slight_smile: Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

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I'm not sure if someone has mentioned this already, but for your phone, consider using the Hubitat Dashboard App. It's an amazing app.

OK, so, HE is in the new house. It is connected, it is up & running in the location in the house where I wanted it originally. I have tested the Xiaomi Aqara door/window sensors, and they work, without wallplugs that broadcast the zigbee mesh. They work really well, both downstairs and upstairs.

I have also added the first Fibaro wallplug. This is also connected to HE. Now the question. What are the settings for that plug? What I mean by that you can set...settings. (no ■■■■ sherlock) I have set the euhhh...logging stuff to 11, because that was mentioned earlier.

But what do I set the rest to? Damned, obviously I'm not at the new house at the moment so I can not make screenshots. I set everything to default...I believe. You can set settings for reporting on changes in power consumption and the frequency with which it should log something. I let everything on default setting, but, what SHOULD I set them to?

I know, this question would be way easier if I had screenshots, but I don't have those at the moment.

2nd question. When I added the wall plug, I can set it to 'wallplug', which means I can turn it on or off, or I can set it to power meter (since the plug also has power metering). If I do that last one, I see the power consumption, but I can no longer turn it off or on (not as quickly anyway).

Isn't there some way that I can see both the power consumption and the on/off button simultaneously?

That's up to you and whatever you need to make the device usable for your purposes. :slight_smile: If you're only using it for on/off, I'd recommend just disabling power metering--it's extra traffic on your Z-Wave network (and on the hub) that you don't need. Might as well not make things harder for it than they need to be. If you are using it for some purpose (e.g., an automation that turns something else on/off when or notifies you when the power goes above/below a certain value, for example), then I'd set them to be the least "chatty" you can make them while still serving your needs. The defaults probably aren't a bad place to start, though you might want to consider enabling either the periodic/time-based or percent/change-based reports for a particular report rather than both.

I assume you're back to talking about the Dashboard now; in that case, no, the template you use determines what you can see, and I'm not aware of any that allows both on/off control and a view of any power or energy attribute on the same tile. You can use the same device on two separate tiles (and some people use tricks like making all their tiles double height and some, perhaps these, "regular" height to give the illusion of both being half-height, just to name one other option). However, in apps/automations, the device will work the same regardless of what you do on Dashboard (which is really just yet another app), in case that is your concern.

And you don't even "need" it for that. You can do the Dane thing with openvpn Pretty easily if your router supports vpns.