Use my own SSL cert on Hubitat?

Is there a way to replace the certificate on my Hubitat C-7 with my own? I have a certificated I generate and use on all my network devices (routers, NASes, Unifi Controller, etc.) to avoid the browser nags and would love to use it on my Hubitat to do the same.

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I believe the answer is no.

I believe the answer is yes. It may be a advanced thing, maybe hidden in a few releases back. If I can find the post links I'll put it here.

Use the search for stuff like this it finds things (that's it's job :slight_smile: )

This is subtly different from what the OP was asking... He/she would like to have the web server on Hubitat be able to ingest a self-signed cert; the release notes refer to the case where outbound calls from Hubitat can be made to work with SSL self-signed certs.

I used the search and found nothing which is why I posted. And obviously you are having problems with search because the "ignore SSL flag for http calls" (I'm assuming this is what you saw and immediately hit on?) has less than nothing to do with what I'm asking about.

I saw this yes, but I know this isn't quite what you are after but what you are after did come later. It may be on later trails I was just pointing you in the direction until I could find what I was looking for.

Exactly. I have a cert that I create on my designated CA machine with all the urls I use on my network. That cert then gets installed on all routers, NASes, etc so when I visit their HTTPS url from my MacBook or iPhone or anything else I get no browser nags about visiting a site with a self-signed cert. This is strictly for management.

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There is a way to upload a certificate and use it with browser UI. This is what Chuck worked on just before he left, and I believe he both finished and tested it. For some reason it didn't get included into the release notes, though. Now that it came up, I'd like to fully test the feature before putting the URL out there, if only because all the questions about it are going to come back to me :slight_smile: I'll have an answer early next week.


Nice that this becomes public, I've not seen it publicly acknowledged as existing before :slight_smile: It works well from what I've seen...

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I’ve used it on all of my hubs. I created individual carts foreach and deployed each.

There isn’t much to say because it worked correctly the first time, including an intermediate cert.

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It is still a 'secret' because during testing at least one problem was uncovered.

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I've already tested it.. not to dissuade your Beta interest... :smiley:

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I have literally had a almost fight with Bruce about this feature 5 months ago and was told that it wasn't something they would spend time on...and now I hear that it is in the system and just not public?

Please Please Please tell me I can setup a http -> https redirect too?

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Unaware of any solution for that.

Even still I am in Shock. In June I was told I would more likely see SMTP support before my own SSL cert.

Now you have SOLID proof that Hubitat shouldn't discuss their plans.

It always leads to this... someone treats 'weasel words' as some variety of 'truth.' :smiley:


Adding my own cert is a huge step in the right direction...and let me rephrase..I was told I would more likely see SMTP as a feature than HTTPS certs!

And what seems to be nagging at me is I was basically being told this would not happen/is at the bottom of the priority list at about the same time that this would have been introduced to the beta team. So what could have been said is "this is a feature in beta that has had some issues we aren't ready to overcome"

But was instead told

All the while a Key part of what I am looking for is a "Secret Feature"

I don't think this is quite fair as it often isn't like that. In the beta I think something else came up that forced their hand. Also as I work with R&D people it usually goes like this. Ask the management can be have this " no we don't have time for that and their time is too valuable", then when talking to R&D about something else connected, I mention it as a possible tag on or fix for another solution. "Probably not but I'm looking at this at this soon" week later " I was doing this and actually it was 5 mins to put that in so do you want to test it?" Sometimes things are easier than first thought and others are harder. Always ask politely and don't be annoyed if it's a no. They have lots going on and if they can do it they will try.


Ah man, there are only about 12 million moving parts. It's a fluid project, always has been, and probably will continue to be. The unexpected is always lurking.... And, the left hand does not always know what the right hand is up to. Nature of the beast.

BTW, the security restructure of Dashboards will be going to beta with the 2.2.4 release (barring the unforeseen)...