Updating from old platform version

What IKEA buttons do you have?

If the "Device" driver does not offer the "Update Firmware" button on the device page in, you can use this IKEA drivers package and:

  • Install the package above using HPM (select only the drivers you need when asked). If you don't use HPM, there are also instructions to manually install the driver(s) you need.
  • Pair your IKEA buttons to Hubitat, if not already paired (don't worry if the buttons don't do anything just yet)
  • If the IKEA driver was not automatically selected during pairing, manually set the correct IKEA driver. You should now see the "Update Firmware" button on the device page.
  • Follow the instructions on the firmware update post you linked. For battery powered devices, it takes a little bit of fiddling in order to start the update process (device must be "awake" when the hub sends the update command), but if you watch closely the instructions, it should work.

Good luck!

Edit: Reading the release notes, I believe that Zigbee firmware updates were added in 2.2.7 Zigbee OTA updates, so this might not work.

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