[Updated] Super Tile - Icons have arrived! :)

im really sorry @Cobra - I have no idea how to get to that panel you've screenshot :frowning:

look in the top right-hand corner of your dashboard...


Click the little 'gear' icon

Then select 'Options' from the tabs at the top



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You're a Legend Andy! <3

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Where are people hosting the images ?
I has a usb having out of my router which gives me FTP access - but when I add the URL it doesnt change anything - just get broken link image ftp://

It needs to be an http website

Thanks very much, I just saw a msg from paypal
Very much appreciated :slight_smile:

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Does your ISP give you a website ??
I was with TPG and they provided free website posting and I could put images up there.
From the TPG portal I could get the url to each image.

Ah.. good point. I actually have hosting for my freelance page.
Will throw them up there. Cheers

you are most welcome sir!

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Obviously, unless hosted locally (i.e. on your LAN) then they will only work when you have an internet connection

I have a synology - could I download an app in there and host them in there ?
I also have a handful of Rpi's sitting around doing nothing

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I use a Pi for mine

Yep. Run a web server on the Pi or the NAS

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any good software that I should be looking at ?

It's been so long that I setup that Pi, I really don't remember what I used

If you google setup a webserver on a Pi you will find lots of 'howTos'

Or else someone will chime in now :slight_smile:


Ask and you shall receive :smiley:


This community is next level helpful hey <3


Its awesome :+1:

So i just kept clicking in Synology and I can get this URL to show the PNG, but does the URL require the ".png" at the end ?

This is an example where I use my Pi for my car presence icons..


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