Unknown Z-wave devices

one sec i'll find the driver link for you.


or check here..


Your link got butchered.

Thanks, ran the install, and got this:

Re-inserting UZB stick and the restarting PC Control.


It's actually the PC Controller sw directory I think the driver is in there as well.

edit: shamelessly taken from here...

Gotcha and yea it's available in the bin folder.

I'm rebooting, nothing is working even w/the driver installed... back in a bit.

Rebooting didn't help, unfortunately. From past experience at this point the next step would be to throw the computer at a wall...but that only works for work laptops, and this one is mine. :wink:

@erktrek got me up and running...huge kudos for him.

I still have to pair the UZB stick to my hub, but the stick is communicating w/PC Controller.

It looks like the problem might have been using a different driver than the one in the PC Control BIN folder...after removing all drivers and SW and rebooting, and starting over w/the default PC Control BIN driver (which was selected automatically) it 'just worked.'

Thanks for all the assistance.


If you can get the stick close to the hub it will help. Especially with pairing. It transfers a bunch of data.

Did get it paired... it paired asa generic Zwave dimmer. That normal? What should I change it to...

Mine paired as "device"

OK, I'll change it to that.

Looks like below...PC Controller is the stick, and the Portable Remote Controller is a Minimote button device I have paired w/HE.

I got my UZB7 paired to the hub. What are the virtual nodes 2-5? I don't see them in my zwave details page. Other than these, all the other devices are matching with hubitat

Virtual devices 2 through 5 are used by the hub. Don't mess with them, and most importantly don't delete them.


Thanks. That means I don't have any ghost nodes. Yay!

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If you had them AFAIK you would have seen them in the Hub's Z-Wave Details page. The UZB stick just let's you remove them if you needed/wanted to.

It is nice to have a clean slate. I removed my "defanged" ghost w/my UZB just so things would look pretty. :wink: After installing .142 the ghost no longer messed up my network, but its entry in my device list bothered me so I zapped it. :slight_smile:

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Wanted to be double sure :smiley:


And wanted to mess with a new toy

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How can you not play?!?!? :wink:

Exactly. Too many toys, too little time

So I should wait for 2.2.4 to be released before upgrading, right? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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