Tuya Dry Contact/Relay/Switch

I recently bought one of these: https://a.co/d/69T9jYU

It has a dry contact relay, and I thought it might work to read the state of a dry contact.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure it works the way I would like it to.

endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0003,0004,0005,0006,0702,0B04,E000,E001,0000", outClusters:"0019,000A", model:"TS0001", manufacturer:"_TZ3000_tqlv4ug4", controllerType: "ZGB"

@kkossev any idea what driver I should try?


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Switching On/Off should work with this driver :

This device seems to be capable of reporting power and energy consumption,
You can also try the [RELEASE] Tuya Zigbee Metering Plug (w/ healthStatus) driver (only if you really need power reporting)


Thank You!

That works perfectly. Now I just need to test it for my use case. Pretty cool little device though!

Thanks Again!


That looks like the MHCozy Zigbee relays. Those are supported with inbuilt drivers. This single relay should work with the generic Zigbee outlet driver and the multi relay ones are supported by the Generic Zigbee Multi-Endpoint Switch driver.

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It did indeed, thank you.

When I bought this, I thought I could use it as a sensor for a Dry Contact. I want to read the state of a connected contact, that is, Open or Closed, as I have a NC contact that opens when an alarm goes off. I have been using an EcoLink Zwave2.5 door sensor, and that works but the MHCozy is a lot smaller and AC Powered, and would let me clean up the mess of parts I put into the box to feed the EcoLink.


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FWIW, this little device is great, and I can think of several things I could use it for, but sensing the state of a NC dry contact doesn't seem to be it. Back to the Aeotec.