Tried to update my hub. Now I can’t access it at all and I have a blue light

So as I said I tried to update my hub tonight and it got hung on applying updates. I waited almost an hour and finally gave up on it and clicked done. After that the led turned blue and I can’t access the hub on my phone app or on the web ui on my pc.


Can you reach the Diagnostic Tool at port 8081?

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So I got it to go back to its original version then tried the update again. It is currently hung on applying updates again. And yes I could get to the diagnostic page

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You could try refreshing the page in your browser when progress gets stuck for a long time...someone else reported that re-started their progress on upgrade.

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Tried refreshing the update page which put me in the same position as before. Can’t access the hub at all. Tried to get back to the original version as before and now that doesn’t work. I am completely locked out now..I just left smartthings because of things like this. I’m about to buy a pie and download home assistant.

Do you have a blue light on the hub? You're not able to access via the diagnostics tool?

@bobbyd, @gopher.ny...some assistance?

Yes blue light on hub. I can access the diagnostic menu

You should be able to roll back to 2.2.4 via the diagnostics menu...are you saying you tried that and it failed?

If so, have you tried rebooting from the diagnostic page?

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I tried that and it failed...then I tried again just now and it worked. Still can’t get the update to work though.

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I'd wait for HE to chime in w/more help...I think you've tried the "normal" stuff at this point. Not clear why some folks are having this issue.

If you're a glutton for punishment (and aren't we all? :wink: ) you could try updating again, and assuming it gets stuck again, just let it sit for 20 minutes to allow it to finish what it can finish, and then use the reboot option in the diagnostics menu. If it's just getting stuck in the update process in completing the reboot, that could get you over the finish line.

BTW, I'd download a backup of your hub database...I always like a fresh backup on my PC just in case while I'm playing w/upgrades.

Otherwise the smart money is wait for HE staff input.

I may screw around with it tomorrow. Maybe they will have responded by the . Thanks for the help.


Waiting for help from Support is always a very good idea.

If you really want to keep trying... A Soft Reset will help to clean up any issues with your database. So, I would take a backup of the hub on 2.2.4, soft reset the hub, restore the backup you just took, reboot for good measure, verify everything is still working, and then try upgrading to 2.2.5 one more time.


Sounds like a solid plan. I’ll try that tomorrow. Thanks for the assistance

Probably the safest and best way to try again if you wanted to, @pugs2300 . :slight_smile:

Do you reall have 2,300 pugs!? :wink:

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Lol no. My nick name was pugsley like from the adams family when I was a kid and my first truck was a Mazda b2300. That’s been my username for 20 years


I had this same problem and was able to “restore” to 2,2,5. It looks like at least one other person was able to use this same method. Though you may wish to check with support before trying. See below.

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Thanks for posting this, very I noted on the thread you linked to:

I suspect that if you had used the diagnostics menu to reboot the hub at that point [when 2.2.5 update didn't finish] you would probably have booted up in 2.2.5. The fact that you had a good install of 2.2.5 to revert to seems to indicate problems w/the hub starting the reboot after the update.

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So this happened to me last night. This page won’t pull up at all. The hub has a blue light but I can’t pull up any server page. (8081) not sure what to do. I’m not really educated in this area. .. any rest button? Looks like there’s a button on the bottom of the hub but haven’t found a solution that says anything about it.

The most likely cause is that hub jumped to a different IP address. Check your router's interface, it should show all connected devices and their IP addresses. Diagnostics tool should be accessible at http://your.hubs.ip.address:8081/

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