Hi all,
i don't have any issues in my system (knock on wood). But are there any guidelines for when you have too many devices/automations?
I have 80 devices on my hub. About half are virtual (eg. zonos, rachio valves).
I have about 50 automations (about 10 are rule machine rules, the rest are real apps like hubigraph, lock code manager, sonos dashboard, sharptools etc).
I have three hubs. I have hub meshed all devices from two hubs to a central hub so i can use a single hub and its dashboards as my management hub. It also happens to have the most amount of physical devices as well.
Any recommendations or best practices of when i have too much of a good thing going?
I can't seem to find anything regarding resource utilization anywhere. Frankly i was more concerned about generating too much log and state data in the system. Some of my automation is fairly rich in the amount of log and state based on what i can see as attributes for each object.
Again, not an issue yet but looking for best practices.
I'm probably going to add another 15 zwave/zigbee devices over the next month or two to this hub.