Thinking of using Sensative Window Sensors

Due to space constrictions on my awning windows with the screens installed, these looked like a good option. Has anyone had any experience with them? Issues?

I have a bunch of them.

EDIT: I have a bunch of the "Zooz" (which is the link you had posted). If you were really talking about "Sensative", then disregard this post and move to the next one.

The battery life is less than I would prefer on the zwave 700 versions. I have some of their new 800LR versions too, but haven't had them long enough to see exactly how much more battery life I will get, but testing looks positive (2-3x longer battery based on the calcs):

I like to buy them from the vendor instead of Amazon as it is usually cheaper, FYI in case you didn't know this was Zooz's store:

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Or did you really mean "Sensative" brand sensors? Your title says "sensitive", but the link was to a Zooz sensor?

I've had very poor results with the Sensative brand sensor (older model, not the latest 800 series models) - battery lasted WAY less than advertised. Hard to pair (although that is usually a 1 time thing).

Based on the power profiling I've done on 500/700 vs 800 series devices, their new 800 series devices may be worth using but I've never tried one.

Like these:

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Yes, I did mean Sensitive Brand (pasted the wrong link) Thanks for the info, guess I'll try one unless I can find another "thin" model.

That's the only "thin" one I know of.

And for the record it is sens-A-tive, not sens-I-tive. :slight_smile:


I have Andersen awnings and I can fit visonic or Iris contact sensors by utilizing a very thin laptop HDD magnet, about a 1/16" think and 3/16" wide, instead of the thicker magnet supplied with the sensor. Even the smallest piece of the HDD magnet is strong enough to close the sensor. I paint the magnets to match the molding.

Like @JasonJoel said I have seen many complaints about the Sensative strips, but I don't own any.

You could also use the new Zooz vibration/tilt sensor to detect break ins, but not the window being open only a bit

Yeah, sorry I got caught using the correct spelling, not the company name. I know doesn't help if you are trying to look something up.

Thanks for the info I'll check them. Using a different magnet is a good idea.

never got mine to work correct magnet or not wouldnt pair.. threw them out.

I used Sensative Strips on 6 windows in my house. I liked that they could be completely hidden from view by placing them in the window frame (which is not metal). They worked just fine. I found that moving them (excluding and the re-including) which required sliding a magnet around in a specific pattern was very frustrating. I ended up doing this twice - once when I moved from SmartThings to Hubitat and again when I moved up to a newer Hubitat (I think it was C-4 to C-7) (prior to release of Z-Wave backup capability). They lasted more than 5 years but considerably less than the 10 years that I believe was claimed. I finally replaced them with the tiny Nyce 3011 sensors. The Nyce sensors could not be entirely hidden but they are very small and I was able to place them in a location where they are barely noticeable. I am seeing 3+ year battery life on these.
I still have two of the Sensative Strips environmental sensors that I use for their temperature capability. These are slightly newer. They are showing 50% battery and are probably 5 years old at this point.

I'll look into those. Thanks. I'm not getting a lot of positive feedback on the Sensative ones.

I should've listened. I ordered one from Amazon to try it. It paired out of the box but the "Sensative" option wasn't available (I later noticed the hub needed updating and when it did devices did too and now included Sensative) So deleted the device, and had to reset it (which took many tries), and now it won't pair. Tried 10 times with no luck. There must be a secret.

Did you exclude it or just delete it? If you didn't exclude it, then you likely created a ghost -- if so, get rid of that as your first priority.

Yep, that's what I did. So how do I eliminate a ghost?

Check out the initial post in this thread here - lots of good info on ZW ghosts.

How To: Remove Ghosts using hub tools or a UZB Stick - :bellhop_bell: Get Help - Hubitat

Thanks for the link. Honestly a little over my head.

  • I can't locate any specific "tools or apps" mentioned to remove ghosts.
  • Is there a way to tell if I even have a ghost device? Would I see it in Devices?
  • I have shut down and restarted the hub (still cannot pair the sensor though)
  • Restarted and Repaired ZWave (it doesn't show any devices at all)

It's possible you got lucky and a ghost wasn't created when you deleted the device without excluding first, but that's just one common way to end up with a ghost. Ghosts can wreak havoc on your mesh, so that's why it's important to take care of them before trying to re-add or repair any devices.

Can you post a picture of your Z-Wave Details page (found in "Settings")? That would help others here assist with verifying whether or not you have a ghost.

Here are the Z-Wave Details

Nice - looks like no ghosts then.

There doesn't seem to be any reason the strip shouldn't pair again if it's been factory reset.

I used Sensative strips many many years ago when I first got into smarthome stuff, but they are just too finicky to pair and I don't like the non-replaceable battery. If you're set on using them, I'd just double-check that they are actually factory reset and keep trying.

It wouldn't hurt to ensure the hub's ZW radio is fully rebooted first -- to do that, shutdown the hub from Settings. Once confirmed hub is shutdown (UI and red light on hub), then pull its power at the plug for ~30". Then plug back in and the hub will boot back up.

I agree they seem to be very finicky. I did shut the hub down and started up again still no luck. Wondering if I should just try a "generic ZW sensor" rather than the Sensative one. I reset this thing quite a few times. (also pretty trippy how they want that done). I'll try a few more times then I guess I'll move on. appreciate the help.