The Hubitat C-8 just hit

That doesn't seem to be necessarily a bad thing lots of devices are configured via phone at least initially including Ring, Nest, Sonos etc..


They are already but honestly by the time you add lets say Roku or Firetv, etc etc you are now not only driving the product cost up, but maintenance and development costs. You are also adding in more crap that can be broken. There isn't any reason for it. Samsung is in a better position for it as they can integrate it in their existing manufacturing line but they too must now deal with supporting it. Lets face it, samsung support is not stellar.


Who in the world wants to replace their TV or Refrigerator every time they want to upgrade their hub? I have purchased a new TV and refrigerator exactly two times in the past 15 years. I have zero want for an inexpensive hub to be built in to a very expensive television/refrigerator/etc, especially since I have multiple hubs.


The ultimate in spying on your consumer purchases and preferences.

I guess I could see a case in some future where an Oven with AI might be able to help you not burn things and better temp tracking/control - similar to smart grills.

The issue is are the headaches and potential personal data compromises worth the added "value" of a smart appliance?

It does seem so for things like vacuum cleaners, grills maybe A/C..


Or they sell you on these terrific "features" but fail to provide updates or security patches. Then the oven burns your house down, or maybe they "brick" your oven when they decide to stop supporting the cloud connection.

No thanks. Call me a luddite if you want to, but that is a step too far.



I forgot to mention the ever popular subscription and requires a cloud component model.. stop paying and your oven/fridge stops working OR if Google owned maybe your device or service just stops working because they lost interest or couldn't monetize it enough...


Or really screw up your recipe when it thinks it knows better. It used to be that an "Internet toaster" was considered a joke.


Definitely exciting news. Hope it does have built in wifi. It would be pretty sweet if at some point they consider integrating a backup battery like my old Iris hubs had. Having to purchase a special UPS for it was kinda a drag.


New hardware (or model number) is enough for me!

Throw Away Make It Rain GIF


Currently at CES 2023 Oven with AI.


Hope it lasts longer than their other failed appliances. They don't have a terrific reputation for longevity or quality. Maybe they should work on that before some stupid connected oven.


I’m certain that the “connected” part will lose support before the oven stops working. Then it will just be a $6,000 oven (or more) that has no “nifty” anymore.


Right up there with watching paint dry... watching your dinner bake. :joy:


Smart ovens and other cooking appliances are silly to begin with, at least for most users.

You have voice activated microwave, but you still have to open the freezer and pop the meal into the microwave in the first place. Sometimes you need to stir the meal, and you certainly want to remove the meal at the end. And you are not going too far away because most things take 3-4 minutes to cook.

At least with a microwave, you won't have to worry about if you forget to remove the meal, the timer shuts it off and it stops cooking. With an oven, the heat continues on for a long while after the heating elements are turned off. And you aren't leaving a microwave unmonitored for 30-40 minutes like an oven.


In my "day job" in another millennium :laughing: my partner and I used to occasionally run simplistic C/B prioritization meetings for workgroups. The team members would be invited to submit "we should do..." post-its, which were then each discussed and assigned two numbers: cost/time to implement (5 for easiest, 3 for moderate, 1 for OMG) and benefit to the workgroup (5 for fabulous, 3 for moderate, 1 for WhoCares). Multiply each item's two numbers together, and get to work this afternoon on the 25s.

Best Item Ever was a suggestion about extra staplers for every team member, which after some discussion, wound up being one stapler on a chain next to the copier. We got thank you emails for a month after that one. :grin:

...but I digress. Sign me up for C8s!


Samsung wants you to buy a new oven every 5 years.


I have been debating buying a new hub to put move my Zwave and signee devices to and having @lewis.heidrick do an antenna mod on, and put my cloud based devices on the old one, but now I’ll just wait until this comes out. I’ll move my Zwave and Zigbees there, and repurpose the existing hub for the cloud stuff.


Speaking of that, I have a ATT Direct tab stream box (2029 era), that I’m pretty sure is andriodTV . Any ideas how I can repurpose that to something along the lines of using in HA? Ritter, server, something like that?

The next I phone is going to have USB-C to comply with European common connectors regulations. Found this out right after I switched to iphone and bought a 9 foot lightning cable.


My ipad already has this. I mostly use wireless charging for my phone though but I too look forward to knowing my next phone will be usb-c..