The Hubitat C-8 just hit

From my quick read through ....

  1. Same size as C-7/C-5
  2. Built-in WiFi
  3. External antenna
  4. The power requirement (1.1A @ 5VDC) suggests it will not use a microUSB connector

I don't understand much of what I am reading there but much of it seems sketchy.

Oh wow, I stand corrected! I clicked on the manufacturer and the previous generations are listed with correct dates specs.

CES announcement?!

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Nice find!

Interesting specs. Built-in Wifi and the antennas don't surprise me. Nice upgrade if so.

Hopefully USB-C or barrel connector this time instead of that terrible micro-USB.


Edited my original post.

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Probably - makes sense why most of the team is at CES!


It does! I don't recall them having this kind of presence before.

There's no information I could find easily about the Z-Wave and Zigbee SoCs used. My guess is 800-series for Z-Wave, because of its availability and the name "C-8".


This is a very exciting idea. I'll definitely be watching for announcements!

However if there is a FCC filing it's gotta be happening. Question is when? I don't have a good concept of the typical time line between filing and release of things.

Going by the C-5 and C-7 filing v/s release date, I would say 3-6 months.


Ah that makes sense. I assume they need the ID to do testing etc. That is something they have always been great at. Excellent job making sure things are right.

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The power spec exceeds microUSB. I'm okay with USB-C, but hoping it's barrel.


I'm oddly fired up about this. I almost want to tag someone in support.

Seriously why am I almost giddy about this?


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Yea - you should be totally giddy.

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Who has 2 thumbs and is ready to upgrade even if there is no pragmatic reason to do so???

:+1::grinning::+1: This guy!


I’d get one as soon as it becomes available. Oh what fun I’ll have attempting to migrate 47 Z wave 500 series devices with Z stick to avoid S0….I can’t wait

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I've been testing another 800-series z-wave controller with a different stack (ZWaveJS). Haven't run into this issue. So I cautiously optimistic that it'll be okay with Hubitat's new hub as well.


I know it’s down to silabs rather than Hubitat but It would be great if that issue is finally resolved


Just reading one of the zigbee test documents.

Mentions external antenna.


I think it is a single antenna for z-wave and zigbee.


As far as I know, the 800-series Z-Wave chip uses the same SDK as the 700-series SDK (which, ignoring this particular concern, is probably good news given that they hopefully have their stuff figured out now, unlike the early days of 700 :rofl: ). I would expect Hubitat to continue using that, though I suppose we don't really know.

I don't believe Z-Wave JS has this concern regardless of hardware because they are not using the SDK but rather implementing all this functionality on their own. As a result, they are not bound by whatever constraints the SDK imposes — no option to ignore S0 on non-S2 devices when the device requests secure inclusion being one of them.