The Home Remote

I was using google drive. Tried Dropbox same result. Emailed file to myself then saved it on the iPad. That worked. For some reason iPad didn’t want to recognize it on cloud drives. It’s probably something I’m doing. I am mainly an android person. Just trying to learn the Apple stuff. Been a bit of a challenge as it’s all different. Thanks for the help.

Another question. I am trying to set this up for a friends system also. Is there someway to get the device authorization in the design software via the cloud rather than local? He is not that close to me.

If I do have to get it local and go to his place and authorize the devices type thing. Then come back to my place will I still have access to the devices in the designer? Hope that made sense.

If you wish to still include Local support but bypass validation, leave the IP Address / Host property blank when initially adding it. Then single-click the Hubitat source in the Explorer pane & go into the Properties Pane to set the Host. When editing Host in the Properties Pane it'll bypass validation.

On a Button. Is there a way to have the label in 2 lines?

Yes. Click the ... button & then enter your text on the popup dialog. That popup will allow you to use the Enter key to provide multiline text.

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Thank you. I thought I had tried that but apparently not. It worked fine.

Having a problem using Home Remote with Hubitat. I get a timeout fetching the Hubitat devices as others have reported. It is not possible for me to reduce the number of devices for Maker API because I am using it for Node Red. Is this just an issue of not waiting long enough for Maker API to finish sending the device list? If so, can Home Remote wait longer?

Also, is it possible to have multiple Maker API apps running? I could run a second app that supports a smaller number of devices for now.

I really want to get Home Remote working.


Yes, you can install as many Maker API apps as you want. It probably is a good idea to create one that only the Home Remote uses. One that isn't shared with Node Red or any other app.

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The timeout errors you can occasionally see are in most cases coming from the Maker API itself. It's not usually the case of the Home Remote just giving up or not waiting long enough. Definitely create another Maker API instance because I worry the shared one you are using with Node Red is maybe too much of a load.

Cool, Thanks! I'll give it a try.

Again I am really impressed with Home Remote. Hope to be using it soon.


Been playing around with this quite a bit. Not sure why you need to set the checked/unchecked state with a data trigger. If I understand the toggle button correctly that property is set when you press the button.

Just trying to clarify in my mind.

You need those 2 data triggers for the case when you do not press the button. For when your device is changed from a different app or physically toggled. You are correct, they are not needed when you press the button. It's for when you don't press the button.

Well shucks. That makes sense. Sometimes the old brain needs a jump start.


If I add a device to Maker but am not on the same network with the designer so unable to do a sync. As long as I know the device ID, name, type I should be able to manually add that device in designer??


I noticed an update to the app where you fixed the mode update when not on home network.
That seems to be very responsive now.

However, everything else slooowed way down. Pressing a switch takes several seconds. Switch status update takes even longer. That used to be very fast.

For example. I have virtual switches that indicate mode. Used to be when I opened the app the switch status would show up almost immediately. If on home network the mode status came right after. Now when I open the app, even on home network, the mode status shows up immediately but the switch status takes about 5 seconds to show up. Same result away from home except more like 7 seconds. Mode status still shows up almost immediately. Pressing a switch takes several seconds for to to registor in HE whether on local network or away.

Just some observations. I'm using Android.

EDIT: Hold off. There is something weird going on with my system. Don't think it is an issue with the app.

I'm using the Jun 9 2020 version from playstore and I don't see any LAN slowness. In fact it's much faster than any of my native hubitat dashboards. I currently have only 41 devices assigned in maker api.

Cloud is also very fast for me, after I enabled it

Mine works both on lan and cloud. Much faster than the he dashboard. As mentioned above there was an issue with displaying the current mode when not local, but it appears it’s been fixed. Not sure what caused my issue this morning. I had a lot of weird stuff going on. But it seems to have corrected itself.

When you setup Home Remote did you turn on the cloud access.

@j715 Good to hear.

@Rxich For cloud access to work there are a few things you need to do:
#1 - Enable it on the Hubitat Maker API setup page.
#2 - In the Home Remote, check the "Enable Cloud Access" setting
#3 - In the Home Remote, set the "Hub Id".

If all of this is set & it still doesn't appear to be working, try temporarily clearing the "IP address" field in the Home Remote to force only cloud access.