The built-in webCoRE, released!


Webcore is absolutely amazing. I'm happy to hear this, as now there's no risk of putting all my faith into an 'unsupported' app.

Well done all. Great move.



I have not used it before but I think I will give it a shot.


For someone not already using webCore, what is the benefit in comparison to rule machine?

Well almost everything.. Webcore handles whatever your previous apps have been doing. From rule machine to al the other apps (almost) in a much userfriendlier design. Webcore on Hubitat is what kept me here..


Well, kind of / kind of not.

It all depends how you like to write your automations... Menu driven, code/pseudo code, or point and click.

WebCORE is definitely nice for those that prefer the more "code like" implementation of rules. It is definitely not nice for those that don't though.

AKA there is no one tool that meets everyone's needs/preferences.


Ah right, I’ll stick with RM. since v5.x it’s been really great.


It is all a preference as far as I am concerned, just like if you would rather use Rule Machine or Room Lighting, or even write your own app.

In my opinion, there will be no significant benefit for most of us who have been on Hubitat for a while now or are fully invested in Rule Machine. Nothing against Webcore, I am sure it is great. But I don't see a reason to switch if you like what you have.

It does benefit those who were used to using Webcore in Smartthings, especially those who waited until the last minute to transition off that platform. They are frantically trying to switch as things go dark soon (today?) for the old Groovy stuff.


Cheers, that was what I suspected.


Not there? Just updated:


Another user did have to reboot before the app showed up.

What about global variables? I suppose these will have to be re-created for the new instance?

Wait 10 minutes after the update to the latest platform version, then open the Apps in a new tab in the browser.

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Hub variables would carry over, webCoRE instance global variables would need to be recreated.


Would webCoRE determine "sunset/sunrise" times the same way as Rule Machine? I may not be asking that in the proper way and can try to clarify if need be but I have had significant issues with Rule Machine rules that use "Sunrise" and "Sunset" in the "Required Expression" for a few months now. They worked fine until that point and then suddenly they all stopped working reliably.

Essentially they often do not flip from "true" to "false" in the required expression as they should. If I were to use webCoRE pistons instead of Rules would that likely fix the problem?

Examples of failed rules:

  1. Set of lights triggered by a motion sensor that should only turn on from sunset to sunrise. It will often just continue to trigger the lights after sunrise passes. (or other times on the flip side it will remain NOT triggering the light after sunset)
  2. Set of lights that turns on for home owner arrival but again only from sunset to sunrise. It exhibits the same issue as above.

Believe that webCoRE uses the system sunrise/sunset times but if you want to check

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Webcore uses the hub sunrise/sunset times. It caches them the first piston run after midnight.

As an aside: Hubitat also calculates these just after midnight using a job. If you have a piston that triggers at midnight, it's possible to hit a race condition and cache yesterday's sunrise/sunset times as today's. This will break any pistons which depend on these timings.

The race condition all happens within a few hundred ms, so is not consistent (when I hit this, I would go weeks without hitting it and then hit it everyday for a week).

Workaround is to not have anything use a midnight time triggers (delay at least a few seconds) or to reboot the hub if you hit it. I played with a code fix to not cache if the times are unexpected. I think I lost it in an app update but will look for it and submit a PR.

A more systemic fix might be better at the hubitat API side, since this isn't necessarily unique to webcore.

This is by far the best news I've heard !!!!! Webcore is super powerful and probably extremely underestimated !! SO GLAD THAT YOU HAVE INCORPORATED IT AS PART OF HUBITAT !!

so do i need to back up all my pistons then import each into the Hubitat Webcore ? I have like 40 pistons..


Well that’s an awfully subjective statement.

I never found WebCoRE to be all that much easier to use than Rule Machine when I used SmartThings. I used both.

WebCoRE has been available on the Hubitat platform for years, but I had personally had zero interest in picking it back up here.

RM’s interface is far from perfect, but it’s been improved upon a lot since it was available on the ST platform.

The fact that WC is now folded into the hub firmware doesn’t change any of the above for me.

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@nh.schottfam created a thread to address these questions:

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