Sylvania Lightify Smart+ Osram Ledvance Outlet Plug A/non A

Sylvania Lightify Smart+ Outlet Plug

Osram 72922, FCC ID: DZO-LDV72922

fingerprint profileId:"C05E",
model:"Plug 01",

Ledvance 72922-A, FCC ID: 2AKGT-PLUGA

fingerprint profileId:"0104",

[Sylvania Plug-A Ledvance 07, 89B0], LQI:253, age:4, inCost:3, outCost:1
[Sylvania Plug-nonA Osram 07, A410], LQI:213, age:7, inCost:5, outCost:0

I have several of both versions and lately the Osrams seem to be very unreliable, i.e. frequently stop responding to on/off commands.
The above numbers are from the same physical location for both plug versions but about a day apart. (One at a time)
The Osrams typically have a lower LQI and higher inCost and outCost, in fact the outCost is usually sitting at either a 7 or a 0, both of which I understand is pretty bad.

I do have a Lightify Hub so pulled that out and was able to update the firmware on the Osram plugs. (see below)
But it won't identify the Ledvance plug as anything other than a generic "PLUG = device". Since the Osram's functionality hasn't noticeably improved post firmware update probably not really a big deal.

Osram Firmware Updates

Firmware 01010511

Just wondering if anyone else has been experiencing the same and what sort of tweaks might be helpful.
Also curious if anyone was able to update the Ledvance PLUG firmware using the Lightify hub.

Edit: Just looking at the firmware webpage, if it's a complete list there is nothing for the PLUG, only the Plug01

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None of the ledvance stuff with be updated through the lightify gateway. The lightify gateway was a 3rd party pairing and osram is dropping that so none of there new products will be updated through it. Last time I asked they didn't have a hub they were planning on doing updates with, but that may have changed?

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Well, that's the end of them then.
Not that I was really planning on buying any more of their stuff anyhow.

:joy: and almost every z-wave device maker as well, since few offer their firmware up for download and even fewer have a hub that they will update it.
But seriously, it’s been a couple years since Osram sold off their consumer lighting division. The reason the Lightify cloud is going away is that Osram didn’t sell it off with Ledvance. They have professional Lightify devices that probably required keeping the gateway’s cloud in their control.

Thanks for this info. I was about to embark on trying to update the firmware of of the Ledvance 72922-A, but if there are none to be had, then I won't bother.

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It's not that it doesn't exist, I believe you can go on their website and it will tell you the latest firmware for each product. It's just that the ease of connecting it to that hub and doing it has gone. There must be other ways to do it but it would be manual and complex most likely.

I still don't understand the current state of Sylvania Lightify.
To the average user (like me) there appears to be only one company offering Sylvania Lightify zigbee products. Sylvania.

But in reality there are two separate operations? Osram and Ledvance
1 - Osram is running the Lightify cloud for another year.
And they're providing firmware updates using the Lightify Gateway/hub (for Osram products).
2 - Ledvance has nothing to do with the gateway/hub or cloud.
But they have firmware available to download for manual updates (for all Lightify products, Ledvance and Osram?).

So the Ledvance update website may or may not be a complete list of all available firmware updates for all Sylvania Lightify products...?

Just to confirm, my Osram 72922 Plug01 updated via the Gateway to 01020511 which is shown as the latest on the Ledvance website.


My understanding is that Sylvania is merely a trademark that both Osram and Ledvance are or have licensed at some point (and under Ledvance's website it actually says this). For technical purposes it is probably better to treat them as separate products. Never mind the confusion it has sown among consumers who thought they must play well together since they are from the "same company."

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Yes basically how I understand it osram was the European brand name and "osram Sylvania" or just Sylvania is what has been used in the likes of USA. They are now combining the two to become "Ledvance" so there will now be one brand for all the smart stuff.

Yes so with the above, the ledvance website should have all the firmware for the previous brands/products. I believe it's ledvance Smart + for the wireless stuff.

Yes because it's a osram product all of that was licenced under lightify so worked on the lightify bridge (as I understand it a completely different company all together made this, hence why the ledvance stuff doesn't get updates). So until they pick a company to provide the firmware updates to (maybe ST? Or HE in future) your be stuck trying to find a way to do it. Maybe of someone could design a driver like the z-wave version @bcopeland did then it might be possible on HE now.

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I updated the Ledvance made devices that wouldn’t update on SmartThings with the Lightify gateway a couple months ago. I would think it would also work across the pond. I don’t think there was a firmware update for the newer plugs though. It seems like the Ledvance firmwares start with 00 and Osram starts with 0. It would be nice if this could be done on HE, since the firmware updates are downloadable.


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