Support for Schneider Wiser products?

Do you have any of the Schneider Zigbee products?

If you search for Schneider here :

can you visually identify the device that you are interested in?

Not yet, but I am investigating if they would work. If they do, I will buy one

Yes, I can

This means I could set this up in HA and controlling it from HE using HADB?

Home Assistant ZHA and Z2M support almost all of the known Zigbee devices used in Europe,
I looked at the Z2M implementation - it seems rather standard, so there is even a chance to work when paired directly to Hubitat out of the box.

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Thanks @kkossev , I'll have a look and see what I can do.

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I bought one and it connects, but unfortunately there does not seem to be a driver that works with it.
I tested to connect it with HA and it conneted but I aborted the test as I realised that if I want to control something with the buttin in HA, I also need to install the things I want to controll in HA, and that I don't.

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Please post a screenshot of the Device Details section when paired to your HE hub.

Use the Tuya Scene Switch TS004F driver with Debug option turned on - anything in the live logs when you click the button?

Thank you @kkossev for your suggestions! :slight_smile:

After downloading the driver (manually) and assigning it to the device, I pressed 'Configure' once.

I'd be happy to, please find the devise details below.

Unfortunately nothing in the log files when I press the physical button. The 'button pushed' message in the log file is from me pressing the 'Push' button in the device page having added the number '1' for button number first. The log appears as follows:


EDIT: I found this on a Home Assistant page. Could that be of any use?

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We have discussed about this with @kkossev in different topic (Moes 4 button scene switch - #12 by SamuelS). I have similar switches with 2/4 buttons instead of the 1/2 in picture above.

I have tried @kkossev's different generic and Tuya drivers, with no success. I have plenty of those devices, so I could even send one to @kossev if that would help. Of course I would need it back, but I can easily live with one missing switch for a while.

The Tuya TS004F driver is not the right one for the Schneider Wiser remote controllers...

Can you try some of @dandanache 's Ikea button drivers?
You will need to manually assign the IKEAs driver, then obligatory pair the Scheider remote switch again to the HE hub (without deleting it).

Schneider remotes seem to require explicit binding of clusters 0x0006 and 0x0008, then they may start sending events when a button is pressed or held.

Try the E2123 driver.

Thank you for advice. I will do that when I get back home.

You will need to make a small modification in the driver :

Replace lines 152 and 153

with this code :

cmds += "zdo bind 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x${device.endpointId} 0x01 0x0006 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}" // On/Off cluster
cmds += "zdo bind 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x${device.endpointId} 0x01 0x0008 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}" // Level Control cluster

@dandanache sorry for tinkering with your code.... :frowning: At the moment I don't have my own driver suitable for these tests.

Thanks, I did that with remote access. I will reinstall device and try buttons when I get back to hardware.

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Funny that I have the same modification on my local branch, trying to remove the hardcoded device endpoint :slight_smile:

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This is what I've got so far:

dev:142024-03-19 17:57:52.467errorValokatkaisija sent unexpected Zigbee message: description=catchall: 0104 0006 15 01 0040 00 BD1A 01 00 0000 01 00 , msg=[raw:catchall: 0104 0006 15 01 0040 00 BD1A 01 00 0000 01 00 , profileId:0104, clusterId:0006, clusterInt:6, sourceEndpoint:15, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:BD1A, isClusterSpecific:true, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:01, direction:00, data:, endpointInt:21, commandInt:1]

dev:142024-03-19 17:57:52.393debugValokatkaisija msg=[[raw:catchall: 0104 0006 15 01 0040 00 BD1A 01 00 0000 01 00 , profileId:0104, clusterId:0006, clusterInt:6, sourceEndpoint:15, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:BD1A, isClusterSpecific:true, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:01, direction:00, data:, endpointInt:21, commandInt:1]]

dev:142024-03-19 17:57:52.387debugValokatkaisija description=[catchall: 0104 0006 15 01 0040 00 BD1A 01 00 0000 01 00 ]

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@SamuelS - this is a piece of good news - the switch is now sending data to the HE hub!

This will be the fastest approach... You pay the posting from Finland to Bulgaria, I will pay the posting fees when I return it back to you. If you agree, I will send you a PM with my address.

PM sent to you. (This information is more reasonable to others reading this topic) :smiley:

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Did it work? Or is it to soon to have any expectations?

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I haven't continued on that for a while. But one device is sent to @kkossev so we might have some progress after he'll get it on hands.


The first tests were successful on my C-7. I will publish the driver this weekend.

The bad news is that I couldn’t pair it with my C-8 hub… what model is your hub?

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I use a C-7

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