Sonos integration

Im getting an error on my sonos integration and i dont know why. All of the players are working and the bridge. I have done discovery again and all three show there with no issues. I had the ip address on the router set as pinned as well.... i thought....

app:142020-12-19 04:20:27.313 pm warnUNVERIFIED PLAYERS!: [uuid:RINCON_000E58E780BC01400::urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:ZonePlayer:1:[ssdpTerm:urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:ZonePlayer:1, port:578, ip:C0A85624, ssdpPath:/xml/device_description.xml, ssdpUSN:uuid:RINCON_000E58E780BC01400::urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:ZonePlayer:1, mac:000E58E780BC]]

Not sure if this helps, but I was getting a lot of these also... I did some searching and couldn't find any real solution... I did find something else though...

I deleted my devices and removed the app. I then followed the instructions here to add the Sonos devices manually... That way I had more control over the device as it wasn't a child to the app...

I haven't had any issues since doing it this way...

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Thanks for the help. Do I even need the Sonos App running if I’m not adding/trying to discover new devices? I get needing to turn it on if the ip changes but otherwise isn’t unnecessary? All it does is discovery and creation of the devices I thought?

Yeah, I removed it completely and just added the speakers manually... Again, I'm not sure what caused those logs in my case, but with the devices manually added, I haven't seen them again...

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