[SOLVED] Firmware update to 7.17.1 takes a long time, then failed

Success! @bcopeland's statement that the z-wave details page has a lot of underlying calls which may require a wait got me convinced to try one more time. I opened the z-wave details page, waited a solid 5 minutes, and then updated the firmware. I sat really, really, really still, not triggering motion sensors or toggling switches at all (although my wife was still moving around, I could see it in the logs). Went through to 100% and I now have 7.17.1 on the hub. I still have the issue that most of my Zooz switches are included with S2, but I'll fix that another day.


Give it about 24 hours for the mesh to re-route and see how they perform tomorrow.. There should be a good bit of improvement.. Now it's still always better to have non-secure.. But it should be improved at least..


This worked for me as well. Third time is the charm. It is hard to be patient.


Mine completed too after a reboot and sitting on the Z-wave details page for 30 minutes.
67 nodes, 13 S2, and 2 S0 devices.

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same here updated 96 devices. cold reboot with removing power and waiting on the zwave details page for like 5 minutes.. probably 15 minutes total after reboot.

is there anywhere were it actually shows the firmware version on the web interface?

next hurdle is hub in remote house.. weill give the new firmware a few days to test and let the dust settle. luckly i also have a wifi switch so i can cold boot that hub when necessarY AFTER shutting down.

also need to plug in and update by backup hub with no devices lol

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You can use this endpoint:


This is what the output looks like:


so no reboot is necessary after firmware update? It kicks over immediately to the new firmware?

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Update successful here, I have about 40 Z-wave devices. Took about 10 mins to install.


I also had an issue at first. I saw somebody mention closing all other tabs to the hub that may be open. I have a logs tab open all the time. I was stubborn. But eventually did that and it went through.

Just something worthing mentioning to try.


I also had the issue. What finally worked for me is:

  • Shut down hub
  • Power off hub for 30 seconds
  • Restart hub
  • Let it sit for a good 10-15 minutes
  • Switch to the zwave details page, with no other tabs active
  • Let it sit for 30 min
  • try update again

same thing but i only left zwave page up for 5 minutes as instructed.. and the hub only 10 minutes after reboot.. also made sure i had no other pages to the hub open.


tried twice now with my hub in mi.. not working.. bummer.. so its not a perfect solution.

well that was painfull ... fifth times the charm , all with shutdown and cold boot.

It actually worked when i did NOT wait as long after booting.. brought the zwave page up immediately after it booted and only waited 5 minutes,,.

it seems the 30-34 % is the turning pt. it would always fail there and once you get past it ... it seems to work.

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Nope - I have errored out twice after 73%
Third time in the 30's

96% for me... twice! But I did get it to work.

Well waiting on the zwave details page first for five mins got me up to 86%.

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wait 15 mins

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And if that doesn't work... 30!

On the plus side I am seeing some improvements in mesh performance. It might be the placebo effect but I'll take it.


It Worked !!

In addition to the above and failing four times i disabled the zigbee radio, and turn off the other two C5 so the hubmesh was out of the equation as well.


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