SmartThings Water Leak Sensor

Has anyone gotten the SmartThings Water Leak Sensor STS-WTR-250 to work on Hubitat? I have one of these under every sink and toilet and need to move these over. I reset them but they never show up during device discovery. Any ideas are welcome!

Unless this is some freak new model, we nativly support two versions of the centralite manufactured units. One was made for peq, and the other for st. The fact that this isn’t being discovered even as a device suggests it’s not being paired within range or isn’t actually reset.

Thanks, spent the past several hours moving the remaining 30 or so devices over to Hubitat.

I had the leak sensors inches away from the hub. The blue LED light was blinking which means that it is in pairing mode. I will try again since I just moved the hub back to its permanent location and the hub was restarted.

I have 2 that work fine. I did have to pair them pretty close to the hub but they’ve been fine in their permanent locations.

To reset them did you pull battery and push down the button and reinsert the battery?


I disjoined them from ST and immediately paired with hubitat.

@mike.maxwell no go on pairing. The light continues to blink blue which means it’s in pairing mode. I let Hubitat sit for a few in pairing mode and nothing. I stopped it and started ST pairing mode and it was found immediately and blinked briefly green. Hubitat is not finding these at all. I just purchased them from Best Buy in December.

Just paired that sensor a few nights ago. It’s the Lowes Iris sensor, but in reality, it’s the same Centralite sensor you are showing there. It did take some time to appear in Hubitat and finish initializing. I’m using the “Generic Zigbee Moisture Sensor” device type with it.

You get them into pairing mode by removing the battery, hold down the silver tamper button, and keep it held down while your re-insert the battery, then release the button.

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I had the same thing with a couple of light switches. I ended up using the zwave removal tool on them (The one in smartthings) again and then they paired fine. I don’t know if the sensors you have are zigbee or zwave. Sorry.

I have 7 of them and they were very hard to get to pair to Hubitat as bad as or worse than the Xiaomi sensors but they did eventually pair. I even rebooted the Hubitat after every 2-3 sensors not sure if it helped but didn’t hurt.
Removed them from SmartThings hub first

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Thanks for confirming they work. I don’t get it as I just tried again. The sensor and Hubitat don’t seem to sense each other. I even left one unplugged for 30 minutes. But as soon as I start ST pairing the LED immediately turns green and pairs with ST. I have 18 of these to move over. :disappointed_relieved:

You have a lot of sinks and toilets! :wink:

ST hub very close to your Hubitat? Tried unplugging the ST hub while attempting to pair these with Hubitat?

@mike.maxwell @bravenel @coreylista @patrick I spent more time this evening trying to pair these sensors. I kept a browser in discover mode for several minutes while one of my water sensors was in pairing mode and nothing. I decided to go to Settings, Zigbee, and I set the Zigbee status to disabled and saved the setting. Then I changed it back to enabled and went back to discovery and that worked!

I have gotten 2 of my 18 water sensors paired but I have to ask and this is a pain to go through. Why would disabling/enabling zigbee make this work but otherwise not?

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Don’t know probably a red hearing, when these do pair, what driver does is select?
Next time you pair one please paste the text of the entire fingerprint as exposed by clicking more prior to saving the device.
I need to verify exactly what physical hardware you’re using, I can’t be sure that the picture you posted is the device that driver was written for, and the ST part numbers are about meaningless…

It pairs as a Generic Zigbee Moisture Sensor. I just got another one to pair:

Generic Zigbee Moisture Sensor 9255


Manufacturer: SmartThings Product Name: Generic Zigbee Moisture Sensor Model Number: moisturev4 deviceTypeId: 53


and it works presumably?
and how many zigbee devices and repeaters are installed on hubitat?

Yes I am getting temperature and wet/dry notifications. The ones I am pairing now are only a few feet from the hub so I assume they are connecting directly. I only have 1 Iris Smart Plug installed as a repeater and around 8 zigbee devices. These have been such a pain to move over I have left them for last. 120 devices so far total!

I will pair a few more Iris smart plugs as I move upstairs.

How far away from the hub is this repeater?
with 120 total devices, only 8 of them are zigbee?
I'm able to pair most zigbee devices in place through the repeaters I have installed.

20 or so feet.

I have mostly zwave. Have several contact sensors and temp sensors on zigbee. Most zigbee are these water sensors which I haven’t paired yet. I think I had around 30 zigbee devices total on ST.

Do you think its a channel issue? I recall @Navat604 saying he switched zigbee channels and couldn’t get one of his ST devices to pair and had to change it back. My hubitat is currently set to channel 17.