Simple Automation Rule Bug?

I have a couple of simple automation rules that ran fine for 9+ months but now are inconsistent, and only change has been update to

Its a simple wired door contact to a Zooz Zen 16 which serves as the trigger to switch the light on and off. The log shows the trigger device 483 turning on, the simple automation app 258 giving command to turn on and the light switch 450 turning on. The off cycle also worked but then at the 10:44:44 mark you see the door relay is off but the app never gives the off command. I've repeated this same occurrence several times.


There are no restrictions or delays to the rule and below is the screenshot of rule setup.

Again, never had a problem with this before and I have the same rule and physical setup for laundry room and it has the same problem.

I know I can import into rule machine but I liked having these particular door contacts as separate simple rules, but could try the import.

Any ideas?


I had the same problem when I updated to 130.
I reverted to the last firmware I was using, 128, and it's now working fine.

I have a 2 SA rules that have been intermittent as well since upgrading to latest release. I use SA to mirror the in and off command to another switch. Like the OP the on command works but off doesn’t consistently. I remember having similar issues years ago. Ended up disabling the SA rule this morning and created a basic rule as a work around so I didn’t have to revert.

@bobbyD @bravenel FYI

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We would need to see screenshots of the rule and of the logs when it doesn't work as expected. There have been no significant changes to SAR in quite some time. So whatever is causing this is coming from some other aspect of your hub.

I have been having inconsistencies with the ZEN17 since I installed it 4 days ago, and a user reported adding a 1 second delay to send the command (in the case of a garage door) has solved the issue. It also appears to have fixed it for me as well. Perhaps a recent change in Hubitat firmware paired with these relays could be having some unintended consequences? Seems like too much of a coincidence that it's suddenly happening with apps utilizing this type of device.

What HE has asked for to work on getting to root cause is pretty clear:

Hopefully folks experiencing this will post those soon.


Please see post 2 above. I can post these details in a bit with mine as well.

I saw that and memorized it in a flash.

Ha clicked delete instead of edit :rage:. First time I had to physically turn off the undercabinet lights. Second time there was an Anti Turn Off and it worked

See the second post above for another example from @Ghuntz

@bravenel is there any additional logging or screenshots you need to help troubleshoot this? I am still having troubles with it. Here is example from just now:

Notice no anti-Turn On and I had to manually turn off the under cabinet lights.

This Basic Rule works just fine:

I was having issues as well with a SA Rule that fires when my crawl space doors open that triggers the lights to turn on and off when closed. Last weekend I found the lights remained on a few times. I haven't been under there this week but wanted to mention SA Rules with a contact sensor is also hit or miss with this latest release.

FWIW SA has been hit or miss over the 4 years I have been on HE. Sometimes one release will cause a rule to fail and I will just use a RM or Basic Rule for a while and then switch back later. I had reported this several years ago too. It was also reported earlier this year by another user.

132 seems to be working for me as well.

Update to post 2: I ended up just converting to RM5.1 (the import of SAR made it easy). its working fine now. Does seem to be a little slower than SAR to respond to trigger, but not an issue as its still functionally sufficient for a simple door contact/light.

As mentioned in original post 2, this does involve a Zen 16, which may or may not be coincidental with @sdjme comment on the Zen 17.

I am having a similar issue.
I have setup vitual switches that once turned on will turn off after 2 seconds.
Using simple automation i use these virtual switches to activate the output on the fibaro implants. Since running version 130 i have found the virtual switch turns on and off after 2 seconds. But the fibaro output doesnt turn off anymore, even though the virtual switch is off.. this has been workong for 12mths. Stopped after the upgrade. I also havent made any changes for months.

Have you tried upgrading?

After the 134 upgrade that issue is now resolved. Not sure what may have triggered it considering someone suggested there were no changes to this module.

Anyone still having issues on v .134?? BecUs the upgrade certainly solved it for me.. i think the issue started after the build 132. Glad its sorted now.. it was a real PIA

I am running 134 and have no problems.

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Actually, I'm running 135 and have no problems. :slight_smile:

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Aside from the version counting issue... :wink: :rofl:

Is it a beta? :slight_smile:

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